Aight time to head out


On lunch break for 2 weeks now
--Sooo am leaving the server why? In short cuz i'm pretty bored of the server want more details and shit well read down and i'll explain if not just ignore whatever I wrote below and go to my will on who gets my shit.

You gonna read my reason? Bet, When I first joined the server I was a brewer wanted to work at mcorp, destroyed wioska, got kicked out of my house in wioska, my dog got killed and destroyed wioska again just for revenge. Pretty good start on how I started off on the server. Later on I wanted to built a club which kinda worked got to know matty, libnah and citydva little more pretty cool people. Got hired later on at mcorp but I really didn't do much but hey at least I could chill with matty and libnah and city (kinda, she dipped), met my man bharatj we didn't talk much but you know he was there in the VC, built my house in front of an ocean view just because. was a little slice of heaven by myself at warp 3. Bharatj region it and libnah expanded it later on. CSI was a thing which I joined to be a double agent which was pretty fun, libnah and bh begged me to join DoJ because yea. Join DoJ because of Libnah and bh and to “take information and give to CSI” (if you want more details about CSI than DM me Redfr0st#3835) in which I gave information that they already knew about. Turns out I was actually a good cop according to kat which yes Katt I still remember what you said that night. Exposed CSI and then they tried turning the tables and A1pha in fact tried to make it look like I was the bad guy by faking discord msgs but failed. Was in parliament a few runs and then quit after like now. Joined Blue industries in which I haven't even been paid for about a couple of months but I mean I get around, quit mcorp because I was bored from doing the same thing almost every week. Got married and went into a depression because of it (jk) I got a kid apparently. Found out that puppy and sprite have been dating for almost a year or so before they even joined the server so yeah that's confirmed 100% facts. Turns out I was such a good DoJ employee I got a job in the DoPA writing events in which I did pretty ok, threaten to quit but libnah told me no I can’t so I didn't quit. Made a thing to remove wdeerman as minister I was gonna do one for catch but koal did a hold my beer move so yeah there goes my time. I signed up for staff and got accepted because apparently I am good enough to not be removed from staff, koal asked me to join staff which was great motivation. Why bring all this up? How does thing have to do with me leaving to server? Well after doing all of this during that time were so much filler of arresting people writing event plans and such much work in which I was supposed to have “fun” on the server. Don’t get me wrong the community is a great doctor, becca, puppy, nate, libnah, bh,citydva ,kat ,lux ,matty ,flown ,eatmyoven, Velevet, and corax made the server enjoyable for me but it was only them that made the server appealing for me and I realized I could be doing better things with my life, I just recently went out with my friends during the weeks in which I was on “break” and I had the best few weeks in life I getting coochi now and the server just doesn't seem appealing to me anymore the server concept is just make more money so you can buy stuff to make more money and later on argue in politics about a mine craft server because you believe in a certain way. It’s the same concept repeat and repeat. The server community is good, staff pretty good as well, the actual role play is not there in the game meaning no game.


You rather skipped my essay or just rather read the whole thing either way good job now my will of were all my shit goes.
All buildings in the capital,OCC,palm bay, and such will be turned over to blue industries so bh. (However building Next to Doctors bar that is grey and very tall with the beacon will stay with me due to it having my beacon and materials and such, as well as my suburbs house.)

50,000 will be given to doctor ( already gave his greedy ass his money)

in my inventory I have a shulker box of dragon's breath all of it will be given to puppy as well as the shulker.

I will be giving all farms in the farming district to Doctorthunder and beccaboo for the brewery union. Except the Vine yard I paid 20k on that

Everything else I will keep myself so if I do return to the server I will at least have something.
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Staff member
I getting coochi now​


Awe, Red. You were such a great friend, player, and ex-mod. I'm glad I was one of those people who made the server enjoyable for you. Alright, you bean. Good luck on your future endeav0rs! (im like so funny ik)