Accepted Zzz_King's Police Officer Application


In-game name: Zzz_King
- Age: 15
- Date joined server: 2.5 months ago
- Current playtime: 9 days 16 hours 34 minutes
- Why do you want to be a Police Officer: I want to be a police officer because I feel like I can play the role of a police officer very well. Being a Police Officer takes leadership and teamwork skills and you have to be able to work well with people. Police Officers in BC are here to bring justice to players who have been abused by people not following the rules. They are here to monitor the city to make sure everything is in order. They are here to sort out issues between players settle them. Without Police Officers in BC to keep the peace in the city, no one would be able to play their favourite economy minecraft server in Peace. Police Officers are one of the many pillars that hold BusinessCraft up and I, Zzz_King, want to help support that pillar. I am confident that I can fill the role of a Police Officer. Being a Police officer is not just arresting people when they do bad but it also needs the ability to correct people when they do wrong. I know I've only been in this server for about 2 and a half months but I experinced and witnessed many situations with Police Officers and learn from them. I've witnessed people like Pastelmoon, ReaperEduardo, Xlayzur, and many other Police Officers deal with situations and I will learn from those people I look up to in order to be the Best Policeman I can be!
- What can you bring to the Department: My dad always says I was a born leader and I'm starting to think it's true becuase of the many situations I have solved. I have dealt with trying to sort out conflicts in the past and believe I can use those skills to be a good Police Officer. I also am very social and can relate with those in need in order to help them. It's better to understand someone before helping them out. I will also have a humble attidude and not abuse my position as a Police Officer. Everybody here is still human so we all have our imperfections. I can't deny that I have done bad things in the past but that doesn't make me different from everybody else. Everybody makes mistakes but we use those mistakes to grow. As a Police Officer I will deal with great care and consideration for every situation I face and not think of myself as higher then anybody else. I will use my position to protect and take care of the players of Business Craft.
- Additional Information: I'm usually on 2 or 3 hours a day, but during school It will be 1 to 2 hours a day. I have taken time to read all the pvp laws, vehicle laws, and tresspassing laws so I will be well versed in the law. If I don't get accepted now I promise I will work hard to be a better player and be responsible. I do my best to make the cut!
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Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Deputy Prime Minister
Department of Public Affairs
Deputy Prime Minister
Good Luck Zzz!! Very eloquently written, I hope you make it!