Answered / Added Writer Plugin


Username: AlienBloom20204
- Suggestion Title: Writer Plugin
- Elaborate (Why do you think it should be added, how will it improve the server, etc.): This would give writers the ability to stay in the game and gain kr and pt through writing articles on for example Google Docs. As it still contributes to the server and everything they do.
- Does this require the installation of a new plugin (Yes/No): Yes
- If you answered Yes on the previous question, please link the plugin (Leave blank if you answered No): Unknown
- Additional Information: Thank You!


Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Deputy Prime Minister
Department of Public Affairs
Deputy Prime Minister
Username: AlienBloom20204
- Suggestion Title: Writer Plugin
- Elaborate (Why do you think it should be added, how will it improve the server, etc.): This would give writers the ability to stay in the game and gain kr and pt through writing articles on for example Google Docs. As it still contributes to the server and everything they do.
- Does this require the installation of a new plugin (Yes/No): Yes
- If you answered Yes on the previous question, please link the plugin (Leave blank if you answered No): Unknown
- Additional Information: Thank You!
Hey, could you elaborate what you mean by a "writer plugin"? Would this mean a plugin that allows people typing in MineCraft books to earn krunas? One that allows them to not be kicked out while writing longer books? Perhaps a longer time on afk?

Much of what our ministers, (former) MPs, and other server staff do is on discord / forums, yet they don't receive much pay / recognition for it. Why do you suggest writers of BC should be different? (no judgement, just genuinely curious here)


Hey, could you elaborate what you mean by a "writer plugin"? Would this mean a plugin that allows people typing in MineCraft books to earn krunas? One that allows them to not be kicked out while writing longer books? Perhaps a longer time on afk?

Much of what our ministers, (former) MPs, and other server staff do is on discord / forums, yet they don't receive much pay / recognition for it. Why do you suggest writers of BC should be different? (no judgement, just genuinely curious here)
To address the first question, implementing a longer AFK time would be particularly beneficial when engaged in writing activities. Currently, the risk of being kicked while paused to gather ideas during AFK periods can be frustrating. This improvement would enhance the overall experience.

Regarding the second question, it's worth noting that Ministers and MPs receive monthly bonuses that account for such periods. Drawing from my experience as a former MP, this practice is common. On the other hand, the compensation structure for server staff in Kr is uncertain. While my assumption is that they may not receive payment in kr, I acknowledge that I could be wrong with this.

As for writers, the situation is distinct. They typically don't receive benefits and often need to collaborate with external entities to bring their ideas to fruition. Unfortunately, this process comes with the possibility of rejection by the involved companies.


why force writers to use google docs
No, I wouldn't. As a news company, we used to rely on Google Docs, as we often transfer our documents into books. However, implementing both purposes would be beneficial, especially for writers working independently and preferring to work alone and out of the mainstream.


Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Deputy Prime Minister
Department of Public Affairs
Deputy Prime Minister
No, I wouldn't. As a news company, we used to rely on Google Docs, as we often transfer our documents into books. However, implementing both purposes would be beneficial, especially for writers working independently and preferring to work alone and out of the mainstream.
What about microsoft word? Evernote? Any of the 500 other word-processing softwares writers use to work? What about people who write best on paper? I feel like, if we open the door to non-government players receiving bonuses from outside softwares is a can of worms that no one can anticipate the conclusion to.

On a side note, programs like google docs don't really time you out, ever, so this would be so incredibly easy to abuse - especially considering writer is a qualification. Players could just open up google docs, do /writing or whatever the command would be, and bam! Infinite playtime, you don't even have to be in-game.

I believe that a much more practical course of action for a writing-related plug-in would be just to increase the AFK time for writers only. Could this still be abused? Absolutely, especially with the salary the government's been paying out for playtime. But it's less easy to abuse and less profitable if you do. Alternatively, you could make a /writing plug-in that prevents players from earning the 15-krunas paycheck, but keeps them from going AFK for up to two hours. Personally, I've always just set a 10 or 15 minute timer to check back in, and I don't find that the 15-second distraction interrupts my flow state.

I'm really interested to see your response to these questions - writing is a topic I'm super passionate about and I feel like a writing plug-in, if we hone the qualifications and whatnot properly, could be a real asset to BC.