Where is the Executive?


To preface, these are opinions I hold which may not be representative of the general public. I am an ex-Stratham player who visits time to time and I still love this server dearly. None of these view points are meant to attack any individuals personally and I hold no ill will. I do not speak for the player base but clearly there is something wrong if in the first month of Prime Minister Sumo taking office a Vote of No Confidence hearing is motioned against him.

What has the Executive really done for the players? Let's break it down.

Day 1:
- Issued an Executive Order to.. formalise the format of an EO. Not sure why this had to be an Executive Order when Parliament could be more than capable of passing a bill to do this themselves. A trivial non issue to the average citizen.
- Issued an Executive Order to start a Stimulus Check program. Free money sounds great to the average Citizen but where was the reasoning behind this. Simply stating the Government has too much money and people don't make enough isn't a reason. This was a bandaid solution to a larger problem that is workforce participation.

Day 2:
- Appointment of Cabinet Ministers. There's nothing wrong with this inherently but the activity of these Ministers are questionable. More on this later.
- Issued an Executive Order to mass pardon citizens. Valid idea, nothing wrong with that.

Day 3:
- First announcement by DoA minister pardoning shelter bans. First announcement by a Minister
- First announcement by DoE minister about price tracking initiative. No mention of the stimulus check program that the Prime Minister announced would be followed up by the DoE.

Day 5:
- Prime Minister announces Bank Taxes in an Executive Order that he repeals 3 hours later. Notably absent was the DoE minister for this announcement. It begs the question especially with no formal DoE update for the Stimulus check program, does the Prime Minister have confidence in his own Ministerial appointment? Announcements made on behalf of the DoE with no follow up from the Minister responsible suggests either our Prime Minister wants to force his own initiatives without consulting the Department or wants to be the Minister himself.

Day 6:
- Minister Cookiez reintroduces a job within the DoA. Marks second announcement by Cookiez from the Department and first Minister to push for reforms internally within their Department

Day 7:
- Prime Minister again makes an announcement on Stimulus Checks program, stating it is now closed. DoE Minister still absent.

Day 9;
- DoE Minister announces bank interest is abolished. Public reacts astoundingly negatively with 21 Nays to the announcement. At most until this post, announcements had an accumulated 3-5 reactions, with many having 0. A Q&A session was provided but no reasoning in the announcement itself as to why this occurred.

Day 11:
- DoH minister's first announcement, reopening Doctor Exams. Nothing remarkable given it is a commonly exercised duty of the Health Minister, however inactive Doctors have not been addressed which I find worrisome given there are often no Doctors online when players need treatment. When this is the case, how can we expect the Department to maintain more Doctors?

Day 26:
- Prime Minister resigns as Minister of State. No announcements made during his tenure as Minister of State.

Day 29:

- Prime Minister announces State of Emergency announcing the Government has fallen apart over 4 MPs resignations. The Government of Stratham is comprised of more than 4 MPs, so why does he suggest it is falling apart? Prime Minister goes onto say the decision wasn't made lightly but adds "This is gonna be killer RP". Sounds like he's making a big deal out of an event that is otherwise not needed.

Day 32:
- Prime Minister makes yet another announcement about the Economy, increasing salaries for Government employees. Notably the title "First Lord of the Treasury " is present in this title. Where did it come from?

In the first month we have seen only 4 ministers make public announcements, with the Deputy Prime Minister, Construction Minister, State Minister, Justice Minister notably absent. Is this what the Citizens of Stratham deserve? For a campaign centered around renewing Stratham the Executive seems awfully absent from that initiative. Over the course of a month we've seen our Prime Minister attempt to be the Economy Minister and make Executive Orders that seem to have no prior consultation or serve in the interests of the public.

The Prime Minister now chooses to attack past Prime Ministers and incite drama within the United Nations to take the attention off of the damning fact that he has been an indecisive, inactive and messy leader that seeks to serve in his own interests.

From their own campaign
> It’s about time to vote for leadership Stratham rightfully deserves.
Is this really what Stratham deserved?
> It’s about time we get back on track
What track would that be, because if it's the continuation of stagnant and inactive politics spurred by unconstructive drama, they've certainly achieved it

Stratham deserves better.