Rescinded Voter Solicitation Act

How do you vote?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Title: Voter Solicitation Act
Type: Creation
Description: Disallow soliciting votes from new players
Bill: No person shall solicit votes from any player who has less than 2 hours of playtime at the time of the solicitation. This includes but is not limited to (at the discretion of the courts) asking for votes, giving links to political party or campaign discords or requesting campaign contributions whether it be in DMs, direct confrontation in public chats, in game or otherwise. This does not include advertisements made in public official BC channels in the presence of new players. Regulator: Department of State | Players can send any violations directly to a State Secretary or the DoS minister.
Punishment: 1st: One Hour Jailtime, 2.500kr (two-thousand-five-hundred Kruna) fine, removal from election if defendant is the candidate (DPM included). 2nd: Two Hour Jailtime, 10.000kr (ten-thousand Kruna) fine, barred from running in all future elections regardless of candidacy. Additional Info: As the admins have not given us an estimated time for the playtime update I am bringing this back up