Bill: Rejected The Town Support Bill Second Amendment


Department of Economy
Department of Economy
The Town Support bill Second Amendment


Allow the creation of new towns/cities and bring back the ones that were removed

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is the The Town Support bill Second Amendment.

Section 2. Commencement

(1) The provisions of this Act shall come into effect as soon as this bill passes.

Section 3. Reasoning

(1) Currently the bill has no explanation of how a town/city is created and what happens to the ones removed by the Town Reformation Act

Section 4. Amendments

(1)Towns will receive extra support with grants and expansions

(A) Grants will be given to towns that get approved by the DoE minister and will be allowed to get up to a 90,000 kr grant allowed to be applied every month or 30 days
(B) Expansions will be approved by the DoS minister AND DoC minister and will be allowed to claim blocks once every month or 30 days at the price of 2kr per block instead of 7
(C) The mayors will not have to pay for the land or materials that make up government mandated builds such as banks quarry’s or town halls

(2)All towns/Cities removed by the town reformation act will now be reinstated
(A)The towns reinstated are ocean city, lexford, Covington and Palm Bay

(3)If a town is to be created it must pass through a vote from the executive branch receiving a vote of atleast 6/9 or 2/3
(A)If they do not get 2/3 they will be rejected and forced to wait 30 days till they can reapply
(B)A town must have these requirements to become official:
-1 mayor
-5 town helpers(such as council of town officers)
-2000 total blocks of land
-1000kr paid to DoE as a fee to be voted on
-Rules for town set in place
(C) After being voted on if they pass they are required a town/city and will set up busses and all mandated builds

Authored by lennonrissi on behalf of the government.