Bill: Rejected The Mass Defense Act [MDA]


The Mass Defense Act [MDA]

Defend from Mass Murders During State of DOJ Emergency
Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is the MDA Act
Section 2. Commencement
(1) All provisions shall come into effect upon effect on passage of the bill
Section 3. Reasoning
(1) During State of DOJ mass murders. The absence of POs has left most of us vulnerable to these mass murders or wanted criminals. When we fight back and we kill them and we have no evidence we get falsely charged with murder.
(2) It as well lets the people defend themselves from these people in the state of absence of the DOJ.
Section 4. State of Emergencies
(1) State of Emergencies may be declared by the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, or Justice Minister through an in game command or simply by delcaring so in #gov-announcements on discord.
(a) Once a state of emergency is declared, it must be announced on discord through #gov-announcements.
(b) The Minister of Justice can deem any individual as an "enemy of the state" that poses a threat to the safety of the citizens of stratham.
(c) If an individual is deemed an enemy of the state, all murder's and assault's on the individual as defined in the Crime Reformation Act will be pardoned and be deemed as an act of self defence.
Section 5. Perpetrator Rights
(1.) Mass Muders are granted under the act
(a.) If attacked first, able to show proof and not be charged with that murder
(b.) In jail DOJ should treat them the same respect as followed for normal Offenders of the Law
(c.) Citizens are not allowed to verbally harass
Section 6. Punishments for Abusers of Perpetrator Rights
(1.) Punishments go as follows
(a.) 1st offense Warning
(b.) 2nd offense 15 minute jail time and 100kr fine
(c.) 3rd offense and beyond, shall be double

Authored by AlienBloom20204 on behalf of The Republic of Stratham.
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