Rescinded The Campaign Clause


Department of Public Affairs
Department of Construction
The Campaign Clause


Require all politicians to campaign for their seats prior to the election.

Section I. Act Name

Section II. Commencement

Section III. Reasoning

Section IV. Constitutional Amendment 1

Section V. Constitutional Amendment 2

The Parliament of Stratham Enacts;

Section I. Act Name​

  1. This legislation is The Campaign Clause.

Section II. Commencement​

  1. All provisions of this act are to be effective immediately after passage by the Parliament of Stratham.
  2. In cases of conflicts with previous legislation regarding the topics covered by this Act, this Act is to take precedence.

Section III. Reasoning​

  1. Per the request of Koalition in addition to growing support amongst Members of Parliament, this bill would require all politicians to campaign for their seats. Plenty of politicians run without ever saying a word to the people, this puts voters at a disadvantage as they were never informed about the potential opinions or political views of the candidates prior to the election. This act will help ensure that all voters are able to make an informed decision regarding their vote.

Section IV. Constitutional Amendment 1​

  1. An addition to section one, subsection two, as follows:

    Old Text:
    (II) No person shall serve as a sitting Member of Parliament while also serving as a Minister, Judge, Prime Minister, or Deputy Prime Minister. If an MP holds one of these offices, they must either vacate the office prior to being sworn in as an MP, or face removal from Parliament by the Department of State.

    New Text:
    (II) No person shall serve as a sitting Member of Parliament while also serving as a Minister, Judge, Prime Minister, or Deputy Prime Minister. If an MP holds one of these offices, they must either vacate the office prior to being sworn in as an MP, or face removal from Parliament by the Department of State.

    Campaign Clause: No player shall serve as a sitting Member of Parliament without campaigning for their position prior to the election date. Any and all players interested in running must make a minimum of one campaign post disclosing their goals and beliefs as a candidate. Failure to abide by the Campaign Clause will result in immediate disqualification from the election and removal from the ballot.

Section V. Constitutional Amendment 2​

  1. An addition to section two, subsection two, as follows:

    New Text:
    (II) Campaign Clause: No player shall serve as a sitting Prime Minister or Deputy Prime Minister without campaigning for their position prior to the election date. Any and all players interested in running must make a minimum of one campaign post disclosing their goals and beliefs as a candidate. Failure to abide by the Campaign Clause will result in immediate disqualification from the election and removal from the ballot.

    Authored by FreddBear on behalf of Koalition and the People of Stratham.


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This bill is hereby granted Prime Ministerial Assent and signed into law.