Accepted SweetGamer23's application for Community Coordinator


- In-game name: SweetGamer23
- Age: 15
- Date joined server: Over 1 year ago
- Current playtime: In total time, 70 days. Current time after reset, 23+ days
- Why do you want to be a Community Coordinator: I want to be a Community Coordinator because I believe I would be a great addition to the team. While I am not always online on PC, I am very active on mobile, with most of the abilities that I have on PC.
- What can you bring to the Department: While I am not the most creative person all the time, I can still get decently creative if needed to be. I'm also a very faithful member of the department I am in, just look how I am in the Department of Health, lol, been with them since almost my first week of being on BC.
- Additional Information: