Shecky_'s Election Post (March 2021)


Shecky's Election Post for March 2021!

My Information
IGN: Shecky_
Age: 15
When I joined: April 26, 2020
Current ranks: Moderator, Community Coordinator, Hospital Secretary, Pharmacist and I sell drugs :)

A bit about Shecky
When I first joined the server and even just about 5 or so months ago, I never had an interest in the legislative branch or anything that had to do with politics. As I watched bills being passed (trying my best to vote on them), I realized that I was starting to gain an interest in what people in Parliament do and how everything works. Obviously, I couldn't get too much intel since I wasn't part of the legislative branch but what I had learned about what Parliament did really intrigued me and I felt that I would be a very good fit as a Member of Parliament. Then, in December of 2020, I got my first ever chance to be part of the beloved legislation. During my time in Parliament (though making a few mistakes), I really got a feel of how Parliament works and I'm so glad I got the experience to be part of such a wonderful branch. I wish to be re-elected this term in hopes to expand my abilities and push myself to do better than I did last term because being very honest, I didn't do very well.

Some bills passed

My Strengths
Activity: Since I have a lot of roles on BusinessCraft (listed above), I have to be very active and I'm online about every day either to check-in or to get some work done! I've been very active recently and I would be able to attend any meetings or anything Parliament-related if I were to be re-elected as Member of Parliament.
Collaboration: I'm quite a social person when it comes to this server and I would like to say I'm very good at communicating with my peers so that we can get a task done. I try my best to work with others and communicate with them to get their ideas and thoughts on my work so that I can put out bills/laws with efficiency and accuracy.
Taking criticism: A big part of Member of Parliament is being able to take criticism from your peers. The bills I post, I always try to get the other MP's opinions on because I know that they'll have great ideas and suggestions for me whether they're positive or negative comments.

I may have not had too many accomplishments during this term but I still was proud of the things I did accomplish. Since it was my first term, I got to see how Parliament works from the inside and I was astoundingly surprised. I got to pass my first-ever bill which was the "Impound Vehicles" bill. It may not be the biggest accomplishment but for me, I think it was a pretty big thing to do. I also got to sign my name and help out with the first-ever Constitution on BusinessCraft which was a huge accomplishment for everyone into BusinessCraft politics.

Plans for the upcoming term:
As you all may know, I was a Member of Parliament for the first time last term. I made many errors and I know that I didn't live up to the "hype" there was. I disappointed myself and others in the legislative branch and even the community of BusinessCraft which I'm deeply sorry for. I know that it's going to be much harder for me to get back into Parliament but I strive to do better and improve for not just myself but the others in the political branch of BusinessCraft.

  • I plan on being more open about what my ideas and plans are during the term. Part of my feedback was that I didn't really talk too much outside of Parliament chat which I totally agree about. I need to be more active in political discussion and I'll make sure to be active in most conversations that happen.
  • My productivity last term was heavily lacking and I apologize once again for that. I will not make any excuses because I know I am in the wrong for doing this. I plan on pushing out more bills while keeping in mind that putting out countless meaningless bills will not help me either. I will push out bills that the public is striving for but cannot do for themselves. I'll be careful of which bills I push out but I'll make sure to create/edit/remove countless more bills than I did the last term.
  • I'll look for any loopholes or errors in our current bills that I can help make better or even just updating some outdated bills that cannot be removed but need some new factors to them.
  • Like the last term, I strive for simplicity which means I'll look for any way that I can simplify current bills. They can be confusing and I would like to make sure everything is simple and easy to understand, as this is a server with a lovely community that needs to understand what we as a legislation are trying to achieve for them.
  • Finally (for now), I would like to keep up the efficiency and productivity of our current bills being passed and just overall making sure we're doing the best we can for the public by making them heard when they feel they cannot.
Thank you guys so much for taking me into consideration as a re-elected Member of Parliament! Every one of your votes counts so please vote and maybe even vote Shecky!



Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Deputy Prime Minister
Department of Public Affairs
Deputy Prime Minister
Gl Shecky! I have no questions </3


Microsoft Replay
Staff member
Minister of Health
Department of Internal Development
Department of Health
Health Minister

Was wondering what bills do you have plans to release next term in terms of keeping the server simple? You may take your time to answer the question :)
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Was wondering what bills do you have plans to release next term in terms of keeping the server simple? You may take your time to answer the question :)
I appreciate you asking the question! By keeping the server simple I meant trying my best to find current bills that need simplifying or even finding some concerns made by the public that needs a bill made so their idea can be implemented and it would simplify whatever concern they may have. (Sorry if this doesn’t make too much sense, I’m in a rush haha)


Staff member
Department of Public Affairs
do you have any bill ideas you would like to share aside from simplifing


do you have any bill ideas you would like to share aside from simplifing
Since the last term was pretty successful, I can't seem to find any bills or laws that need to be made or edited at the current time but if an issue does arise I'll make sure to fix it and do whatever is necessary for the public :)