Denied SharkieSpice's Application for Event Planner


- In-game name: SharkieSpice
- Age: 9
- Date joined server: Around 8 months ago
- Current playtime: 20d 5h 55m 13s
- Role you're applying for: Event Planner
- Why do you want to be a Event Planner: Because I'm really invested in the server and I love this server along with the players. I love the events hosted and the incredibly nice Event Planners and Community Coordinators. I want to give to this server because its done a lot to me in a nice way and now I have a little community I can talk with.
- What can you bring to the Department: I could bring more events for example, Holiday events, Story time for the people of Business Craft.
- Additional Information: N/A


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Sorry, your application for Event Planner has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


Thank you for your interest in applying to this job. I’m sorry to inform you that I would like to see more activity on the server and discord from you before I feel you are ready to be accepted into this department.
