"Sad Really" - hotshot80915 2020-2021


Well… This might be a surprise to most of you and just some anticipation for others but my time on the server has come to an end. I will be leaving today. BusinessCraft has given me something to do over the pandemic and the chance to meet some amazing friends. I got to experience the staff team even working my way up to the position of Admin. I will miss all those who I got to call friends but will still keep in touch will some (you know who you are). I just got bored like a lot of people and decided it was time to move on. I was fortunate to be in a lot of departments and even got to be the minister of the DoJ. I would like to thank all who made this possible.

This whole experience has not all been sunshine and rainbows. Unfortunately, I have had to deal with a lot of people calling me “fake “or that I abuse perms, I have not decided to address this in a public setting because I have tried to be the bigger person but I can no longer. To address most of these people like Xlayzur especially and his cult-like following is just a great example of an idiot getting what he wants because people are too blind to see through his bull shit. I find it quite stupid and sadly people listen to this fantasia and get bad views about the staff team because he was a prick. When Matthew made that post about quitting judge it made me seem like I am some awful criminal that is out to get people when that is far from the truth. I make mistakes because I am human and have never wanted to be that asshole who brags about being perfect or abuses perms to benefit myself or others. I hope in the future people don’t let this happen for their own benefit.

Since there are simply too many people to thank for all the great things, I have got to experience so I would just like to say a big thanks to all of them. As for my will, I will just be giving stuff out to people in private and dumping some at spawn.



Department of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Department of State
Department of Public Affairs
sad really and ur a prick


Former Server Photographer
Best of luck with your future endeavors Hotshot & thank you for everything you've done for the server. Off to paradise you go!

You will be missed <3