Roleplay Addons

- Username: Drownyourself
- Suggestion Title: Roleplay Addons

- Elaborate (Why do you think it should be added, how will it improve the server, etc.): This server is amazing I love it, however, it claims to be a roleplay server and it is but it lacks so many aspects. Yes, you can have a job but you can't really make a character! Many roleplay servers successful ones allow players to create a roleplay name, have a customizable roleplay chat to do movements and motions as well as have character sheets so players can put character descriptions. That alone makes a strong roleplay community for those like myself who love to roleplay. I feel with this it would improve the server greatly bringing in many more players. As this server is a city roleplay I feel the server is kind of false advertising yes it's roleplay but roleplay with no character design format or hand motions or anything that I have seen. That's not what people really look that I've personally met. People want roleplay servers not servers that are kind of roleplay but mostly playing as a cop or something but a way to make a roleplay family be cliche and cute and have fun. (Now keep in mind on this community I am very new so many things I am not aware of. And it's possible that you already have however I have not seen it so I am unsure.)

- Does this require the installation of a new plugin (Yes/No): Yes

- If you answered Yes on the previous question, please link the plugin (Leave blank if you answered No): As I personally have owned a roleplay server in the past and have worked as staff and builder on many roleplay servers all of them but a very few used plugins such as these. Now keep in mind all of these plugins are highly customizable meaning that when some of them say "Race" you can simply edit that out. On previous servers I have DEVed before and if needed and id be happy to help customize the plugin beforehand or even make a new one myself for the server. If not these are a few of my personal favorites from other servers that I have used in the past.

Roleplay cards
A simple and easy roleplay character card plugin its fairly new and updated I personally like this one the best as it does not go to crazy if you want to keep the server lowkey.

Roleplay Helper
This is a more helpful plugin that not only allows roleplay names but it allows roleplay genders, and profiles and even an RP join kind of party system.

Roleplay Chat Engine
(This by far is my favorite plugin) Similar to above this plugin allows a bunch of highly customizable features that not only allow names, profiles, genders, cards but also adds a bunch of really cool emotion filters in chat such as whisper commands and yell commands as well as movement and thought a bunch of really nice and helpful add-ons that I recommend if you plan to go all the way. The owners of this plugin also keep it updated and are super friendly.

- Additional Information:
(I recommend you only get one of the plugins above as they all generally do the exact same thing but from first to last recommended have less tor more features depending on how far you want to go)

Now If the server does consider getting this idea implemented. As above, whether its just allowing players to have roleplay names to show, roleplay cards or even a cool chat addon that allows motions to be shown all would be a great benefit. And as an owner in the past and staff on multiple roleplay servers I can guarantee that these plugins are amazing the community loves the,m, and they do not cause lag and are extremely easy to download and very customizable.
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Unfortunately, they will most likely not add these plugins due to the being bukkit not spigot. This is usually what happens in the past suggestions. Maybe different now?
Unfortunately, they will most likely not add these plugins due to the being bukkit not spigot. This is usually what happens in the past suggestions. Maybe different now?
These are bukkit plugins not spiggot not to mention most of these plugins work for both and both spiggot and bukkit have a large handful of plugins for roleplay aspects such as these.


These are bukkit plugins not spiggot not to mention most of these plugins work for both and both spiggot and bukkit have a large handful of plugins for roleplay aspects such as these.
Exactly, these are bukkit plugins which are not as optimised for spigot, they work but probably add a hell ton of lag, this is a Spigot server not a Bukkit one.