Bill: Rejected Reprossession


Screen Shot Melo
- Title: Change In Repossession Law

- Type of motion: Edit

- Elaboration & Reasoning: Instead of the government vaulting items in chests, I am motioning that players should be able to keep the locked items in the region's they purchase / rent because technically speaking it is their property after they purchase / rent it, and should have everything that's in the property.

- What would benefit from this: I believe it will be less work for staff member's vaulting items and also a opportunity for a game, and quite frankly it is quite the adrenaline rush seeing if you will score or not and lose a fair bit of money, It will also boost the economy because when you unrent a region the government takes a certain percent of the money.

- Other Information: I got some of this idea from a show I used to watch called "Storage Wars" and I thought it would be a great idea for the server.


Mayor of Covington
This is absolute nonsense. What if a player's rent EXPIRES, then they lose their items just because they forgot to extend rent? Nay.