Answered / Added Remove Furniture


On lunch break for 2 weeks now
- Username: Endeav0r
- Suggestion Title: Remove Furniture
- Elaborate: Although the furniture plugin is awesome and makes houses look nicer with TV, tables, and chairs It causes a lot of lag that makes the server feel unplayable with lots of building altogether in one place furniture makes everything lag just like the mall with being the center of all furniture and where you can buy furniture its already well know for its lag.
- Does this require the installation of a new plugin : Nope
- If you answered Yes on the previous question, please link the plugin N/A
- Additional Information: Instead of a furniture plugin there could be a plugin where you can sit on stairs instead of furniture.


On lunch break for 2 weeks now
yeah but they look pretty
yeah, but you would rather play Minecraft with some furniture that people put their minds to like stairs instead of seats and make it fun more smoothly or do you wanna have some furniture that makes Minecraft look like a power point.


Staff member
Parliament discussed this and introduced a bill that will limit the amount of furniture per chunk to 10. It'll be implemented soon.