Answered / Added Removal of Rain

Username: Foxtrot_13
- Suggestion Title: Removal of Rain
- Elaborate (Why do you think it should be added, how will it improve the server, etc.): So, in the past month because of the holidays I have played a lot on BC and I have noticed that it rains very often. The problem with rain is that it makes the FPS drop significantly making the game really hard to play. The FPS gets even lower when you are in the capital city spawn area. But the removal of rain would mean that the crops would grow slower? Well.... No because crops can easily be hydrated with a water bucket in a hole which will make rain completely useless for the growth of crops. So at the end of the day rain may just make the server more realistic to real life but it makes the FPS drop which is a real bummer.
- Does this require the installation of a new plugin (Yes/No): I Don't think a plugin is needed i think the rain/sunlight option can be toggled off from the servers setting ( I may be wrong) Anyways here is a link for a plugin
- If you answered Yes on the previous question, please link the plugin (Leave blank if you answered No):
- Additional Information: thank you for reading my suggestion :)

Have a wonderful day



Personally i would prefer an option as rain adds realism, in regard of the crops you don't need any water at all for them to grow.


The Turtle Master
Foxtrot_13, try turning your particles in the video settings to 'decreased' or 'off' and that SHOULD help your FPS at the cost of particles like the hearts out of breeding animals, (I think it removes rain, not sure) and see-through tree leaves~



Member Of Parliament
As was said you can download and install optifine, and disable rain in the "other" category. You can also download a optifine add-on that greatly reduces the drop in fps rain causes while still having it appear.