Accepted PortalLegend's Application for State Secretary

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- In-game name: PortalLegend
- Age (optional): 15
- Date joined server: December 30th 2023
- Current playtime: 2days 2 minutes 14 seconds
-Position you are applying for: State Secretary
- Why do you want to be a State Secretary: I really want to get involved with a government position on this server and the Department of State was calling to me. When I saw the census, that really made me interested as I am a nerd for statistics. I enjoy compiling data as well as researching information. I then told myself I wanted to apply and after reaching those requirements and looking at which role would most suite these needs, I decided to apply for State Secretary. I also want to be able to assist the Department of State as it feels they are extremely understaffed at the moment.
- What can you bring to the Department: To the department, I can supply an active as well as committed and loyal member. I can also supply someone who is able to take on a leadership role. (I am in my third year of being apart of student leadership at my school) I am very organized and love putting things into spreadsheets to ensure that organization is kept and you can find what you need quick. I have a lot of experience in making Google Forms and how to use that software. I also can bring my experince of being an owner of a business with over 5000 krunas of profit made. I am able to keep things organized, execute tasks properly and be able to keep track of whats going on. I am also able to bring someone with a calm attitude meaning I will look at the bigger picture and try to see both sides of a situation even when things may get heated. I also (As of one of the requirements) Have a student mentality and am always willing to learn more.
- What does your previous experience include: Currently own and manage a large scale company in game (Home Depot) as well as I am in the student Leadership (my third year) within my school. I also work a part time job in customer service so I do tend to deal with people and creating relationships with people you may have never known.
- Additional Information: Thanks for reading, hope you can consider my thought out application.


Prime Minister
Prime Minister
Minister of Justice
Department of Internal Development
Department of State
Department of Justice
Prime Minister


Congratulations, PortalLegend! Your application for State Secretary has been accepted.

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