Accepted Pearot's application for ACO


Department of Justice
Department of Justice
- In-game name: Pearot

- Join Date: September 25, 2019

- Current playtime: 1w 6d +

- How long have you had your current job in the Justice Department: I have had the position of Trainee Officer/Police Officer for about 6 months now, although around late 2019 I also held the position for a while before taking a hiatus (from BC).

- Why do you want to be an ACO: I mean, who wouldn't want to initiate and pursue investigations in the event of suspected corruption? In all seriousness, I have always found the Department of Justice very unique and interactive, and I would love this opportunity to further my contributions.

- What can you bring to the ACO team: I strive to be quite active and am always reachable. I have a solid understanding of what is expected in the various department roles, and am very eager to expand and fortify that understanding. I have experience not only in present Department of Justice procedures but also past- being able to apply that experience to any situations I may encounter, and have a strong concept of what is and isn't acceptable behavior(s).

- Additional Information: Where do fruits go on vacation? Pear-is!

[edit: this was accepted b4 i became minister btw lmao]
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