Accepted PeachLemon_'s Application for Social Advisor!


Los Angeles Enjoyer
- In-game name: PeachLemon_
- Age: Nah
- Date joined server: December 28th 2020 ./jd reset
- Current playtime: 42 Days
- Role you're applying for: Social Advisor
- Why do you want to be a Social Advisor: I am a passionate photographer both in real life and in game. I would love to have this position so that I can work with my co-workers and take photos for events, and such! I worked as a event planner and community coordinator for some time, and I think I can handle this position now too. I am in fairly good terms with most of the current event planners and social advisors, and would be absolutely ecstatic to be able to have this job. :)
- What can you bring to the Department: I can take photos from lots of angles, and have lots of different shaders etc. I have past experience with events and taking group photos. I know how to capture the feel of a event or build etc. in a screenshot.
- Additional Information: Gabi already has my discord but ty for reading!! btw you can find my work in #gallery on the bc discord, might have to scroll up a bit ;)
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Department of Agriculture
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