Parker3232's Election Post (October 2017)


The Cookie Dealer
  • Your username: parker3232
  • Your age: 13
  • Your activity on the server: I consider myself active, I try my best to join at least once everyday.
  • When you joined: About 5 months ago.
  • Why do you think you are suited to be a Member of Parliament: Because I have been on the server for almost half a year, and I feel that I could help make the server an even better place as an MP.
  • What kind of laws would you vote for/against: I would vote for laws that make the server more enjoyable and fair. I would vote against laws that limit the rights of players and laws that make the server less enjoyable.
  • Additional information you believe people should know: You should know, that I will not make any promises about anything, but I will however try my best to make the server a better place.