Denied NotaBot123's Application for Hospital Secretary

- In-game name: NotaBot123
- Age: 23
- Date joined server: 30/8/2018 (I beleive)
- Current playtime: 7 hrs (I beleive)
- Why do you want to be a Hospital Secretary: I've always been looking a job in the medical industry. I enjoy helping people. This job would be my dream.
- What can you bring to the Department: I can bring Australia, all doctors currently are,or seem to be american. I will be online when the others are not. Improving effeciency.
- Additional Information: Legally, I must state that I have been jailed for PvP Offenses. I have seen the error of my ways and would like to start a fresh.


I have decided to deny your application. You can DM me on Discord for more information on why. You can apply again in 30 days.