Denied Neilbuilder's application for Property Inspector


- Username: NeilBuilder

- Age
: Don't really feel comfortable saying on a public platform but I will gladly tell the DoE via Discord

- Join Date
: 4 months ago

- Current Playtime
: 12 days 22 hours

- When are you most active
? 6-9 pm est (weekdays) most of the weekend

- Position you're applying for
: Property Inspector

- Have you read the Job description of the Job you are applying for
? Yes

- Why do you think you are suited to the position you are applying for
? I believe that I am suited for this position because of my familiarity with apartments and the real estate industry. I am the current owner of The Palms. As the owner I have had to deal with evictions, telling people when they violate server rules or apartment specific rules, and more. I already look around the city at buildings and am very familiar with the Capital from my experience as a tour guide.

- Why do you want to work in the position you are applying for
? I want this position because I feel that this is a very important responsibility and that I would fit the job perfectly. I could even help people improve their buildings if it is an eyesore or doesn't meet a building requirement (I am very familiar with those because I own a building in the city).

- Additional Information
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For Real?
Didn't u just get fired from the very department you're gonna apply and just worked for? For abusing your government job to pursue personal interest?