Accepted My homage to be a event planner


- In-game name: C0narr
- Age: 19
- Date joined server: 10th September 2020
- Current playtime: around like 26 days
- Role you're applying for: event planner
- Why do you want to be a <role you're applying for>: as a previous community coordinator and part of the DOPA circle I know how to plan and set up events as I try to join and get involved with as many events as possible to see what does and doesn't work. this will allow my future ideas for events only ever improve on my last and this will allow not only me but the community get excited for future events to come increasing the overall participation rates or events.

I have a backlog list of ideas for events which use my strengths and my weaknesses to expand my knowledge and organisation. the goal for me as an event planned in the near future will be making cross server events with Stratham and Redmont more frequent as i feel like holding and organizing events is all about helping and maintaining the servers growth.
- What can you bring to the Department: as a person who specialises in building i can bring easy access to builds for the DOPA team as building an event is probabky the longest and most tedious part of it and I personally feel is the most memorable part for the participant. and i want to stretch the limit of what the DOPA has done before by creating builds and events bigger than what has been done before.
- Additional Information: C0narr for SCC still even if it doesn't exist


Department of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Department of State
Department of Public Affairs


Congratulations, conar! Your application for Event Planner has been accepted.
