Accepted moneysignZulf - Business Secretary


feelin like a champ
- Username: moneysignZulf
- Age: 18
- Join Date: June 2019
- Current Playtime: 10d 20h
- When are you most active? 12 PM EST - 11 PM EST (basically anytime in the day)
- Position you're applying for: Business Secretary
- Have you read the Job description of the Job you are applying for?
Of course. I know they're in charge of government contracts and communicating with player businesses.
- Why do you think you are suited to the position you are applying for?
I was formerly an employment secretary within the now-disbanded Department of Employment, which taught me a thing or two about general functions of that department (I am aware this is not an application for Employment Secretary).I also have extensive roots in the former DoCE as a Tour Guide and helper to the secretaries at the time. I also own a multi-industry company (Olympus Brands) and seek to use my experience in business as a business secretary. I have participated in high ranking positions in many companies that I feel have given me enough skills to be a secretary of business.
- Why do you want to work in the position you are applying for?
Mainly my passion for entrepreneurship. I'd like to help with server-wide business logistics with fuel from my excitement to innovate.
- Additional Information:
I'm also a PO and former parliamentarian, so an expansive knowledge of the law will aid me in making sure companies follow commerce regulations, if the need ever arises.
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Congratulations, moneysignZulf! Your application for Business Sec. has been accepted.
