Denied Magic_Dino's Application For Secretary of Business


- Username: Magic_Dino
- Age: 16
- Join Date: Sep 24, 2019
- Current Playtime: 13 days 22 hours 30 minutes
- When are you most active? : 5pm - 2am EST
- Position you're applying for: Secretary of Business
- Have you read the Job description of the Job you are applying for?
Yes, I have read the job description.
- Why do you think you are suited to the position you are applying for?
I think that i'm suited for the position because I work with contracts and have a deep understanding of what works in the economy on business craft. I feel that I can give unbiased and fair approval and disapproval for all of the billboard applications, player grants, and government contracts.
- Why do you want to work in the position you are applying for?
I want to help small businesses grow. I think that the best way to do that is to get this job. Not to say that i wouldn't help larger businesses but i would want to focus on the development of smaller businesses. Its harder to get started then it is to keep something going and to get a small business going might require a lot of help. I feel that i can help by getting this job.
- Additional Information: Discord is Magic_Dino#3360 message me with any additional questions.


I will not be contacting you on discord for questions.

What specifically do you think could be done in order to help smaller business? Anyone can say they want to help smaller business but without an actual plan there is nothing to the statement.


I will not be contacting you on discord for questions.

What specifically do you think could be done in order to help smaller business? Anyone can say they want to help smaller business but without an actual plan there is nothing to the statement.

I think that the Department of Economy can make themselves more known to new players who want to start businesses. If we worked together with the Department Of Public Affairs specifically the tour guides we can see if they can add a part to their tours where they talk about the Grants and bill boards. When i joined i didn't know about grants or how to get bill boards, and i fell like its the same with many other players. When someone new joins and wants to start a business the first place they start isn't on the forums. When new players join the first thing they want to do if they want to start a business is get money and giving grant would make it so much easier then going and being a random job for hours on end because they need to make some money to take quizzes and buy or rent plots. I feel that its very similar with bill boards where they don't think they can get it because they're too small or because they don't know how to do it. My plan if i get the job is to make the Department of Economy a better known to new players by working with the Department of public affairs. Also we can make the department more available to new players by helping them with any questions about billboards or grants and where to sign up to get one.




Sorry, your application for Business Sec. has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


Although I appreciate the interest and enthusiasm presented, I do not believe you would be well suited for the Department.





Sorry, your application for Business Sec. has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


Although I appreciate the interest and enthusiasm presented, I do not believe you would be well suited for the Department.

I'd like to know why i'm not suited for the position. I'm not saying you're wrong id just like to know what i can do better next time.