Denied LethalFantocinni's application for Environment Manager


- In-game name: LethalFantocinni
- Age: Rather Not Say (If required, I can message in DMs)
- Date joined server: August 27, 2017
- Current playtime: 10 days, 12 hours, 13 minutes
- Why do you want to be an Environment Manager:
Have you ever seen a video of cute puppies and smiled and it made your day better? I feel the exact opposite when I see forests completely decimated by the cruelty we do to the forests to keep our evolution running.

I want to be an Environment Manager to prevent the wild, one of the most important things in BC, from withering away. Giving back to the wild is something I have always done, but I could only do so much. As a Environment Manager, my job would be to free the environment and heal it of the damage that people do.

I have had experience with tree farming, natural rebuilding, and habitat creating. I've learned techniques that would help me be the right person for this position. The reason I care about the BC environment at all is when an entire village along with a massive forest burned down. The people who burned it down took every single villager, and left the forest like this. I decided to spend time rebuilding it and letting the environment grow back. During this time I felt great because I was giving back! (There's that puppy dog feeling) While most didn't know or care about what I was doing, I still felt great, and wanted to do more.

Furthermore, after I 'fixed the forest' I then looked into other ways to help the BC environment. After some vigorous research I figured out how important the wild is to the BC community. Without it most of our farms, supplies of natural minerals, and food would be gone. I also learned how even the biggest bank may depend on the smallest tree. I've been working until now to help the wild, and I now want to help it in the biggest way I can.

I also want to become apart of the lovely DoA family! It is always growing, and I can see from watching interactions that they are focused on keeping eachother and the wild strong. Being apart of a community like that is something I've always wanted to have.

- Additional Information:
I live in the EST timezone.
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flower girl
Hey Lethal thank you for your interest in the DoA! Unfortunately your application has been denied. Your application was well done but at this time I don't think you are right for this department. Feel free to reapply after 30 days from this message.


Hey Lethal thank you for your interest in the DoA! Unfortunately your application has been denied. Your application was well done but at this time I don't think you are right for this department. Feel free to reapply after 30 days from this message.

Thanks for considering me for this position.

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