Answered / Added Less Discord Required


Department of Economy
Department of Economy
- Username: WhyEve
- Suggestion Title: Less Discord Required
- Elaborate (Why do you think it should be added, how will it improve the server, etc.):
I, a member of businesscraft for around two months now, have been experiencing a lot of disappointment realizing I am not fit for all government jobs just because I don't have discord. I won't elaborate, but my experience in discord has been negative and damage like trauma has been done, therefore I do not use it. That means I'm not able to join most jobs and participate in most things. I think businesscraft should become more inclusive and lower the need of discord use. Luckily, the DoA managed to hire me as a Ranger without discord, and I am extremely grateful for that, as well as how I was able to start a company with my second-in-command in charge of the discord server.
To make Businesscraft more compatible with non-discord members, I think you can take the following steps:
- try to add more ways to communicate through forums-- it is great that there is this form of communication, and there can be much more.
- try to lower the amount of tasks that need to be done in discord. For example: I as a Ranger was given the exception and I'm able to log animal shelter reports on an old Google sheets.
- allow companies that have found different ways to communicate, try it out, and explain it to you-- it may just be brilliant!

- Does this require the installation of a new plugin (Yes/No): No.
- If you answered Yes on the previous question, please link the plugin (Leave blank if you answered No):
- Additional Information: I am saying this from personal experience, and it hurts me that I'm not able to join in like everybody else.


Department of Internal Development
Department of Internal Development
Department of Economy
I have had experience with your current loss, and all though at the time I was frustrated that I couldn't do things that I can now, I still took the time to acquire Discord, as of all the other people on BC that have too. What I mean is, it is kind of access that is only used for Discord, so things like planning for DoPA or talking in a more easier way for different departments that is required only through Discord. It would be to hard to talk with the different departments, parliament, court, etc. through Forums as its only for applications, reports, etc., while Discord is more for talking.


Staff member
The administration wants to do everything in its power to help the people on BC have a safe and comfortable time on the server. That being said, there is only so much we can do to help with this. Discord is a heavily encouraged platform in the community as it allows for easy communication between players. However, as you mentioned, forums is also capable of communication similarly. I do not believe there is much we can do on our end, but I think this is a great way to reach out to other people and encourage using the forums pages to communicate through conversations and threads.