Legendary Knockback X Stick


That One Dude
Okay... So once upon a time - I won a Knockback 10 Stick (found below) from the BusinessCraft 1-year anniversary event! I have found that it hasn't really been useful to me and therefore have decided to sell it to one of you lucky folks!


Now - This is the only Knockback 10 stick in the game, currently, therefore it is truly priceless!
But we're going to try to put a price on it anyway. Please comment your bids below!

Auction Rules:

  • The starting bid is 3000 Krunas
  • You must bid at least 100 Krunas more than the previous person
  • You cannot withdraw or change your bid
  • You must have the amount you bid in your /balance at the time of posting your comment
  • The auction ends once 48 hours have passed since the last bid posted