Land and Property Laws Act

P. Hunter

Chief Justice
Chief Justice
Department of Internal Development
Department of Construction
Chief Justice
Land and Property Laws Act


Establish regulations for Suburbs plots.

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is the LPL Act.

Section 2. Commencement

(1) All provisions shall come into effect upon signage.
(2) Removal of the Government Land Report Act
(3) Players will have 1 week to rectify any breaches of this act, once it has been signed.

Section 3. Reasoning

(1) To ensure that the suburbs are well managed and maintained.
(2) This bill will repeal Government Land Report Act

Section 4. Suburbs areas

(1) The Suburbs area is a residential area for the players of Stratham.
(2) Plots/regions are created for the sole strict development of housing
(3) No plots can be merged together in any capacity
(4) No player may own more than 1 suburbs plot
(5) All block/blocks relating to the plot owned by the player must fall within the boundaries of the owned plot.

Section 5. Suburb areas evictions laws

(1) Property Inspectors are empowered to inspect the land to ensure a player isn't in breach of this act. A property inspector may not abuse this right at all or face dismissal or prosecution.

(2) Players that have a /seen of a period of one month or longer shall be subject to eviction from their Suburb Plots.
(a) Players who violate this shall have a right to a courtesy one week’s notice before evicting.
(b) Players who have previously been subject to eviction within 6 months from the first eviction notice due to violating this clause may be subject to immediate eviction without notice.

(3) Players that maintain a Suburb plot that are classified as but not limited to an eye-sore, empty plot, lack of progress, breaking the law and farms shall be subject to eviction.
(a) Players who violate this shall be given a one-week courtesy notice to rectify the situation. Additional time may be granted by the Minister of Internal Development.
(b) The Department of Internal Development is tasked with setting plot rules via forums and enforcing property law through this act.

Section 6. Designated commercial or development areas

(1) The Department of Internal Development is tasked with distributing and assigning areas within the suburbs regions for commercial use.
(2) These areas will be rentable regions for business to have localized community shops.
(3) All approval will go through the Department of Internal Development and eviction of the premise is at the complete discretion of the Internal Development Minister

Section 7. Commercial areas evictions laws

(1) Players may not own more than three plots that reside within the Capital District.
(a) Players that violate this shall be subject to eviction.
(b) Players that violate this shall be given one week from the eviction notice to rectify the overholding of plots or face immediate eviction of the necessary plots.

(2) Players that have a /seen of a period of one month or longer and do not hold a /bcseen of 15 hours or more shall be subject to eviction from their Capital District Plots. They will have a three day notice before the eviction takes place.
(a) Players who have previously been subject to eviction within 6 months from the first eviction notice due to violating this clause may be subject to immediate eviction without notice.

(3) Players that maintain Capital District Plots that are classified as but not limited to an eye-sore, empty plot, lack of progress, breaking the law, inactive, lack of function and visible farms shall be subject to eviction.
(a) Players that violate this shall be given a two weeks courtesy notice to rectify the situation. Additional time may be granted by the Minister of Internal Development.
(b) The Department of Internal Development is tasked with setting plot rules via forums and enforcing property law through this act.

Section 8. Industrial District Regulation

(1) Players may not own more than one Industrial District plot.
(a) Players that violate this shall be subject to immediate eviction.

(2) Players that have a /seen of a period of one month or longer and do not hold a /bcseen of 10 hours or more shall be subject to eviction from their Industrial District plot. They will have a three day notice before the eviction takes place.

(3) Warehouses are government owned rentable storage and work areas within the Industrial District.
(a) Players may not make alterations to the premade structure of the warehouses within the Industrial District.
(b) Purchasable Industrial District plots have a height limit of 35 Blocks.

Section 9. Inactive Wild Regions

(1) Players shall be limited in owning Wild Regions based upon the following:
(a) One region that holds 20,000 blocks or less.
(b) Two regions that each hold 10,000 blocks or less.

(2) Players that require a Wild Region that exceeds the limits can request permission to do so to the Department of Economy.

(2) Players that have a /seen of a period of two months or longer shall be subject to eviction from their Wild Regions including Industrial Wild Claims. They will have a three day notice before the eviction takes place.
(a) The Department of Internal Development is tasked with setting plot rules via forums and enforcing property law through this act.

Section 10. Plot Board Rules

(1) Any player may establish rules for their plot that do not directly conflict with the laws of the Republic of Stratham.
(a) The rules must be placed in a visible area in which all players can see.
(b) The rules shall be backed by the full force of the law.

Section 11. Rentable Regions

(1) Any player renting part of an areas within the owned space or a designated space must follow the following;
(a) Rentable agreements must be decided by the parties, this must be communicated and written.
(b) Rentable areas or spaces must have within the general area, a clear space for rules related to renting within the premise.
(c) Owners of the area being rented have the right of termination of renting but must allow 3 days for the renter to remove there stuff from the area or space.

Section 12. Eviction Process

(1) The Department of Internal Development shall be responsible for ensuring the process of eviction through the employment of Property Inspectors who are empowered to inspect the land to ensure a player isn't in breach of this act. A property inspector may not abuse this right at all or face dismissal or prosecution.

Authored by Poemhunter & Mickichu on behalf of the Government.
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