Denied Itsgdoryt's application for Community Coordinator


- In-game name: itsgdoryt
- Age: 15
- Date joined server: 14th December 2020
- Current playtime: 20d
- Role you're applying for: Community Coordinator
- Why do you want to be a Community Coordinator: So since I did my first event I have wished to become a Community Coordinator due to the sheer fact that it looked very fun. I think that me being one would boost my confidence even more than I already am (I am super confident I just wish to bring it out more lol.) I have some amazing ideas lined up for if I get accepted. I may be a noob at making applications but think the opposite to don't judge a book by a cover. Oh also i'm really kind and friendly.
- What can you bring to the Department: I can bring my creativity which allows me to create unique events which BC has never met before. Also as i'm GMT I can provide events which allow more European players to join in with the fun and have an equal chance. I am very active therefore I can host them from Dolly Parton time (9-5) nah just jokes I can host them whenever really. I have hosted some parkour activities in BC before which went very well. But with this role it will allow me to do more creative things with my imagination.
- Additional Information: Im going to be denied I can tell.


Denied. We do not believe you are ready for this position yet. I would suggest that you interact with the community a bit more.