Denied GoodMorning9's Economy Secretary Application

Username: GoodMorning9
- Age: I don't feel comfortable sharing I don't think this is relavent, I have seen other people not put their age
- Join Date: April 26 2020
- Current Playtime: Over 9 days
- When are you most active? Weekends and holidays
- Position you're applying for: Economy Secretary
- Have you read the Job description of the Job you are applying for? Yes I have read the description
- Why do you think you are suited to the position you are applying for?
I believe that without a stable economy, this server could not survive. I think that a problem that the server has right now is inflation. The Kruna is being less valuable everyday and I think that the DoE can stop that. I have a lot of experience in the server and I have worked in many different areas of the economy. I think that I can work well with people from every job in the server and we can make the server better. I am very dedicated and as a tour guide I do many tours per day.
- Why do you want to work in the position you are applying for?
Without a stable economy the server would fall apart. For that reason I want to help the economy and be a part of such an important department. I also am very interested in helping newer players get better jobs and housing. I like the economy department and I am very excited to work there. I think I will work very well with the minister and the other economy secretaries.

- Additional Information: Thank you so much for this oppurtunity!!!


What would you say is a way to solve the issues of inflation that you had outlined in your app?
One way to slow inflation is to provide better access to farming and mining resources especially to newer players to keep prices low by making sure important items don't become too expensive, because they will be more common. This could include adding a miner job and/or creating a special mining plugin to make mining go faster.


Denied. I do not feel you would be a good fit for the department considering your past behavior in other departments. You may re-apply in 30 days.