Goodbye, BusinessCraft.


Former PM
Goodbye, BC

This has been a long time coming, but it truly is time to move on and do my own thing. I truly have enjoyed my time here on BusinessCraft. It was a honor to serve on the Court with Cooleagles, one of the best, if not the best jurist to ever sit on the Court. I got to serve as your Minister of State three times, representing Stratham on the world stage and ensuring that towns got what they needed, when they did. I served in the 33rd and last session of Parliament, ensuring that the people were represented and our elected leaders were held accountable. I served briefly as your Deputy Prime Minister along side one of the best Prime Ministers in recent history, Mickichu. Micki’s nonpartisan political mind was truly one for the ages and I am excited to see her continue the work she has started as the DoPA Minister in the upcoming Ministerial Council.

The biggest honor of my career here on BC is serving as your Prime Minister. It was not an easy road to the office, beating an incumbent Prime Minister is no easy feat. Micki was truly the best possible opponent and I was honored she chose to serve in my cabinet as DoPA Minister. Delivering for the people of Stratham was my greatest and most awesome responsibility. Working on your behalf on domestic and international issues truly was a great privilege. From appointing Judges, to Appointed Flying Zebra as the first Ambassador to the United Nations. I truly enjoyed being Prime Minister. Although it didn’t end on the best of terms, I wouldn’t change a thing.

As I said earlier however, this has been a long time coming. I have decided to pursue my own ambitions and I can’t do that if I am tied to BC, with that, I will be resigning all my government positions effective immediately.

I have seen BC grow and shrink, from November 2021. I have seen the Government disbanded twice because of an inactive owner who comes around to assert authority when he Dosnt get his way or he Dosnt like something. The TGC and this Ministerial Council are just the latest instances of that. No one is going to put hard work into something and make your server grow if they feel you will get a wild hair and just remove all of their work.

BusinessCraft used to be a place to escape and have fun, fun with likeminded and non likeminded people. Where we could make friends and simulate a government that we design. Koal has rendered that impossible.

I am not going to leave on a sour note about an incompetent ownership team however because Lux is just as bad as Koal. I have enjoyed my time here on BC, I have made some amazing friends such as FreddBear, MikyMaster, Wolfie, Micki, Ryan, Orangie, Trace, Bh and Others. I do not regret my time here one bit. You guys truly made this an amazing time for me and i hope to do the same later on.

I want to thank Poem for bringing me to BC to be his State Minister. If not for him, I wouldn’t be where I am today nor would I have the ambitions to continue my journey forward.

Thank you BC, and Goodbye.


Prime Minister
Prime Minister
Minister of Justice
Department of Internal Development
Department of State
Department of Justice
Prime Minister
It's been an honor to work with you, have fun with life!

P. Hunter

Chief Justice
Chief Justice
Department of Internal Development
Department of Construction
Chief Justice
Our journey started long ago but we haven't even got half way yet. Our Political career on a block game is microscopic to what we will achieve in our daily lives. Only a select few know how much I see you like a brother, more than my own blood. Having known you for over two years now, Seeing you grow into the Man you are today makes me proud. A sense of pride only an older brother can feel when seeing his bro succeed and grab life by the horns.

You will always have my support and best wishes and I look forward to my state visit to the US were i can say with pride, Mr. President

Good luck with your continued journey and to leave you with our beloved Maggie, "Don't follow the crowd, let the crowd follow you"


Sumo, you have left such a big impact on BC history and were a great member. It'll be sad to see you go but I'm hopeful that life takes you to good places later down the road. It was an honor being on BusinessCraft with you. Farewell.


Sumo, I can't really come up with the words to say how fun it was to both work with you and be friends with you.

I am so sad to see you go but hey, I'm always willing to have a chat and I wish you the best of luck!

Thank you for considering me one of your friends:D


Staff member
Minister of Public Affairs
Minister of Internal Development
Department of Agriculture
Department of Internal Development
Department of Public Affairs
Department of Construction
Mayor of Ocean City
Public Affairs Minister
I’ll keep this short and sweet as we’ve already spoken in dms. It was good the time we spent together. You definitely are a character to remember. I wish you all the best and please give your beautiful little girl lots of hugs and kisses. Take care of yourself, friend.


Supreme Justice
No one is going to put hard work into something and make your server grow if they feel you will get a wild hair and just remove all of their work.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

While we haven't had the best of history on this server I respect your impact on the community. I wish you good luck in future endevours.