Goodbye <3



I joined BC in May 2020, through searching up mc cities on google. I’m so happy I did, cos as soon as I joined the server I immediately loved it. The community on here is nothing like I’ve ever seen before, and it made lockdown so much more fun and bearable for me. Some of the players on here are so so genuine and amazing, and I have grown to love each and every one of u <3. It is my time to go though :(

BC has done so so much for me, and given me something to put my energy into when real life was disrupted, and I don’t really know what I would have done without it. I got the chance to work in some amazing departments, and also co-create a unique company that brought a lot of fun to the players of BC!

Below imma leave my will, and some messages for people who have really made BC what it is for me (this gonna be long so pls bear with):

Maddie, Triple, Demon: I don’t even have to miss u guys cos imma still be chatting to u everyday <3 I’ve become so close to u guys and consider u my genuine friends (mads best believe I’m coming ur ends to see u). I made friends with all u when I first joined BC, and u guys really made BC what it is for me, ily all.

layzur ^ the same goes for u. Ur so wise and down to earth and work hard at everything u do, u one of my dearest friends on here and I’m gonna miss hitting u off the bus with my hoist hoe at spawn :>. I don’t have to miss u either cos I will still be chatting to you everyday smelly!

Im leaving you 100k, a stack of wither skulls, my disc collection, my shulker of enchanted books, and some other valuables :)

Shecky: SHEKE I’m really, really going to miss you :( you were also one of my first ever friends on BC: you helped organise my birthday party :(. You’re one of the nicest people I’ve ever come across, also one of the most fun people! I’ll really miss playing BC with you, ily so much <3

I’m leaving you 100k, my helicopter, my suburbs house, the iron farm, and my collection of collectible cards (and some other valuables)

Gabi: Gabz!!!!! I’m also going to really miss you </3. We’ve become so close over the past 4/5 months, and you’re such good company man. Gonna miss having arguments over who loves who most. Love how kind and fun you are, ur also one hell of a STG <3. Ly lots

I’m leaving you 100k, my hoist hoe, one of my palm bay plots, my OC plot, my shulker of iron blocks, and some other good stuff

Lobster: Lobby!!!! Our friendship also goes way back, to when you owned Beret Bay and I was buying u out of stock :D. I’ll miss u making fun of how much I use “:” and having u as my boss :(. I’m so so proud of how hard u have worked at transforming the DoH, u have done so well!!

I’m leaving you 40k, one of my palm bay plots, my super pickaxe, all my magma cream (15 stacks) and some other valuables

Shadow: I can’t even describe how much I’ll miss you. U were my first encounter with a mod (thanks for helping me find my farm) and my first partner in a major event (u were the best co-host). I don’t even know anyone as kind and caring as u, and I’m incredibly proud of how hard u have worked at making DoPA the best department (sorry lob).

I’m leaving you 40k, my shulker of emerald blocks, all my nether stars, all my heart of the sea’s, and a stack of my shulker shells (also some other stuff)

Hotshot: Yo hotshotty ur also an old friend of mine. Ur very cool and fun and really hard working (an amazing HS and a very good minister). U and sheke are also very smart, as u guys were some of the first people to try out mine and mads’ escape rooms <3. You also helped me out SO much with a lot of the events I did for DoPA, so ty!!

I’m leaving you 30k, one of my palm bay plots, some of my enchanted books, potions and player heads!

Kl: Kl, Ur also one hell of a STG :D Ur so so talented and I’m so proud of u for doing so well in DoC (u better let me know when u become constructor). Ur incredibly kind and down to earth, and I wish u the best of luck, cos u deserve so much.

I’m leaving you 30k, my Lexford plot, my submarine, and some other stuff

Kawaibab: Tell u what I won’t miss, the money war u started :). Ur hella fun and hella cool and I’m also sorry for only finding out 7 months into BC that ur not american! I’ll miss u, mentor <3

I’m leaving you 30k, the tree farm, 2 of my vehicles, my troutman plot, all my wolf spawn eggs, and some other valuables

Zzz: Ur one of the funniest players I’ve come across, gonna miss u assassinating me every day at spawn </3, and u spamming me with what u think is British language :). U are one of the best MP’s I’ve seen on here, thank you for believing in me when I was becoming one!

I’m leaving you 30k, a double chest of gunpowder, my shulker of bones, the gunpowder farm, and some other stuff (and my 2 shulkers of ender pearls and my shulker of blaze rods)

Cookiez: Cookiez I’ll miss you a lot :( ur so so kind and caring and an incredible mod too! Ur also one of my dearest friends on here, and I’ll really miss playing BC with you

I’m leaving you 20k, one of my palm bay plots, all my cat spawn eggs, and my shop near spawn

Kiko: Kiko!!! I know we didn’t start off good at all, but you are now one of my closest friends! You’re so caring and look for positivity in everything, and you’re an amazing friend. I’m so proud of how far you have come on BC, and I’m always gonna be around on discord to catch up!

I’m leaving you 20k, and some other valuables too

Bombaz: Bombaz I’m gonna miss u getting so excited whenever I come on, please don’t spend any more of your money on gambling, I beg. Best of luck <3

I’m leaving you 10k, along with one of my cars and some other items

Windows: Ur also one of my oldest friends on BC, although we didn’t get to play loads together cos ur upside down. Ur so generous and put so much work into the server, thanks for being the official tester for X-scape :D. I’ll miss seeing u on in the morning, best of luck!

I’m leaving you 10k, and some other valuables

PinkPanda: Pink! Ur one of the first friends I made on BC, back to when you were working in ur old cafe! U and Bd were the first customers of X-scape, and you guys really supported the company <3 Ur so kind and friendly, best of luck on BC!

I’m leaving you 10k, one of my cars, and some other valuables

F0rkanye: Big fork my homie, I’ll miss you, don’t have too much fun on BC without me

I’m leaving you 5k, and some other valuables

Magic Dino: ur so creative and talented at redstone!!! U were so much fun to play BC with, hope u do well!

I’m leaving you 5k, some of my special regions, all of my redstone, and some other valuable stuff

I know u have left BC/on a break but ur one of the funniest players on BC, and I’ll always be known as cheesehead <3

Koalition: Koal, ur one of the coolest and chill people I’ve come across on mc. TYSM for being an official X-scape tester along with windytoe, and for being such a good friend! Ty for creating BC, as it’s one hell of a server <3

Hybrido not gonna lie, I used to be scared of u until I found out how cool and not-scary u are :D Ur so so hard working and ty for helping to make BC what it is, and ty for letting me have a go on the harry potter broom :D (made my DAY), and for turning me into a squid :)

Bharatj: I’m really gonna miss you attacking me with arrows </3 Palm Bay will always be my fave city on BC, best of luck!

DoPA team: My first gov job was a CC: man I love this department. Everyone in it works hard and u guys are so cool & easy to work with, I’ll miss u all!!
DoH team: Being able to work with my closest friends on here was so much fun! Being a HS was so special to me, and I love all u docs! I’ll miss working with u and sorry if I scared some of u, u know ily <3
Staff team: If staying on BC longer, I would have 100 percent applied for mod: u are all so admirable, and I’ll miss being a helper. It was so much fun working with u all <3

I’ll be on for the next day or so, to give out my stuff and sort out plots. I’ll still come on every now and then, to say hi :). Thank you to everyone who made my time on BC so special, it means the world to me. Goodbye,

Ambre/Andre <3


Actually the best
listen here u crumpet you better be prepared for endless discord spam because thats whats coming for you >:(((( ilysm ambruh we'll miss u so much : ( visit sometime or ill eat ur crisps


Department of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Department of State
Department of Public Affairs
omfg ambz ilysm, and ill miss you smmmmm ilyyyy <33333



I joined BC in May 2020, through searching up mc cities on google. I’m so happy I did, cos as soon as I joined the server I immediately loved it. The community on here is nothing like I’ve ever seen before, and it made lockdown so much more fun and bearable for me. Some of the players on here are so so genuine and amazing, and I have grown to love each and every one of u <3. It is my time to go though :(

BC has done so so much for me, and given me something to put my energy into when real life was disrupted, and I don’t really know what I would have done without it. I got the chance to work in some amazing departments, and also co-create a unique company that brought a lot of fun to the players of BC!

Below imma leave my will, and some messages for people who have really made BC what it is for me (this gonna be long so pls bear with):

Maddie, Triple, Demon: I don’t even have to miss u guys cos imma still be chatting to u everyday <3 I’ve become so close to u guys and consider u my genuine friends (mads best believe I’m coming ur ends to see u). I made friends with all u when I first joined BC, and u guys really made BC what it is for me, ily all.

layzur ^ the same goes for u. Ur so wise and down to earth and work hard at everything u do, u one of my dearest friends on here and I’m gonna miss hitting u off the bus with my hoist hoe at spawn :>. I don’t have to miss u either cos I will still be chatting to you everyday smelly!

Im leaving you 100k, a stack of wither skulls, my disc collection, my shulker of enchanted books, and some other valuables :)

Shecky: SHEKE I’m really, really going to miss you :( you were also one of my first ever friends on BC: you helped organise my birthday party :(. You’re one of the nicest people I’ve ever come across, also one of the most fun people! I’ll really miss playing BC with you, ily so much <3

I’m leaving you 100k, my helicopter, my suburbs house, the iron farm, and my collection of collectible cards (and some other valuables)

Gabi: Gabz!!!!! I’m also going to really miss you </3. We’ve become so close over the past 4/5 months, and you’re such good company man. Gonna miss having arguments over who loves who most. Love how kind and fun you are, ur also one hell of a STG <3. Ly lots

I’m leaving you 100k, my hoist hoe, one of my palm bay plots, my OC plot, my shulker of iron blocks, and some other good stuff

Lobster: Lobby!!!! Our friendship also goes way back, to when you owned Beret Bay and I was buying u out of stock :D. I’ll miss u making fun of how much I use “:” and having u as my boss :(. I’m so so proud of how hard u have worked at transforming the DoH, u have done so well!!

I’m leaving you 40k, one of my palm bay plots, my super pickaxe, all my magma cream (15 stacks) and some other valuables

Shadow: I can’t even describe how much I’ll miss you. U were my first encounter with a mod (thanks for helping me find my farm) and my first partner in a major event (u were the best co-host). I don’t even know anyone as kind and caring as u, and I’m incredibly proud of how hard u have worked at making DoPA the best department (sorry lob).

I’m leaving you 40k, my shulker of emerald blocks, all my nether stars, all my heart of the sea’s, and a stack of my shulker shells (also some other stuff)

Hotshot: Yo hotshotty ur also an old friend of mine. Ur very cool and fun and really hard working (an amazing HS and a very good minister). U and sheke are also very smart, as u guys were some of the first people to try out mine and mads’ escape rooms <3. You also helped me out SO much with a lot of the events I did for DoPA, so ty!!

I’m leaving you 30k, one of my palm bay plots, some of my enchanted books, potions and player heads!

Kl: Kl, Ur also one hell of a STG :D Ur so so talented and I’m so proud of u for doing so well in DoC (u better let me know when u become constructor). Ur incredibly kind and down to earth, and I wish u the best of luck, cos u deserve so much.

I’m leaving you 30k, my Lexford plot, my submarine, and some other stuff

Kawaibab: Tell u what I won’t miss, the money war u started :). Ur hella fun and hella cool and I’m also sorry for only finding out 7 months into BC that ur not american! I’ll miss u, mentor <3

I’m leaving you 30k, the tree farm, 2 of my vehicles, my troutman plot, all my wolf spawn eggs, and some other valuables

Zzz: Ur one of the funniest players I’ve come across, gonna miss u assassinating me every day at spawn </3, and u spamming me with what u think is British language :). U are one of the best MP’s I’ve seen on here, thank you for believing in me when I was becoming one!

I’m leaving you 30k, a double chest of gunpowder, my shulker of bones, the gunpowder farm, and some other stuff (and my 2 shulkers of ender pearls and my shulker of blaze rods)

Cookiez: Cookiez I’ll miss you a lot :( ur so so kind and caring and an incredible mod too! Ur also one of my dearest friends on here, and I’ll really miss playing BC with you

I’m leaving you 20k, one of my palm bay plots, all my cat spawn eggs, and my shop near spawn

Kiko: Kiko!!! I know we didn’t start off good at all, but you are now one of my closest friends! You’re so caring and look for positivity in everything, and you’re an amazing friend. I’m so proud of how far you have come on BC, and I’m always gonna be around on discord to catch up!

I’m leaving you 20k, and some other valuables too

Bombaz: Bombaz I’m gonna miss u getting so excited whenever I come on, please don’t spend any more of your money on gambling, I beg. Best of luck <3

I’m leaving you 10k, along with one of my cars and some other items

Windows: Ur also one of my oldest friends on BC, although we didn’t get to play loads together cos ur upside down. Ur so generous and put so much work into the server, thanks for being the official tester for X-scape :D. I’ll miss seeing u on in the morning, best of luck!

I’m leaving you 10k, and some other valuables

PinkPanda: Pink! Ur one of the first friends I made on BC, back to when you were working in ur old cafe! U and Bd were the first customers of X-scape, and you guys really supported the company <3 Ur so kind and friendly, best of luck on BC!

I’m leaving you 10k, one of my cars, and some other valuables

F0rkanye: Big fork my homie, I’ll miss you, don’t have too much fun on BC without me

I’m leaving you 5k, and some other valuables

Magic Dino: ur so creative and talented at redstone!!! U were so much fun to play BC with, hope u do well!

I’m leaving you 5k, some of my special regions, all of my redstone, and some other valuable stuff

I know u have left BC/on a break but ur one of the funniest players on BC, and I’ll always be known as cheesehead <3

Koalition: Koal, ur one of the coolest and chill people I’ve come across on mc. TYSM for being an official X-scape tester along with windytoe, and for being such a good friend! Ty for creating BC, as it’s one hell of a server <3

Hybrido not gonna lie, I used to be scared of u until I found out how cool and not-scary u are :D Ur so so hard working and ty for helping to make BC what it is, and ty for letting me have a go on the harry potter broom :D (made my DAY), and for turning me into a squid :)

Bharatj: I’m really gonna miss you attacking me with arrows </3 Palm Bay will always be my fave city on BC, best of luck!

DoPA team: My first gov job was a CC: man I love this department. Everyone in it works hard and u guys are so cool & easy to work with, I’ll miss u all!!
DoH team: Being able to work with my closest friends on here was so much fun! Being a HS was so special to me, and I love all u docs! I’ll miss working with u and sorry if I scared some of u, u know ily <3
Staff team: If staying on BC longer, I would have 100 percent applied for mod: u are all so admirable, and I’ll miss being a helper. It was so much fun working with u all <3

I’ll be on for the next day or so, to give out my stuff and sort out plots. I’ll still come on every now and then, to say hi :). Thank you to everyone who made my time on BC so special, it means the world to me. Goodbye,

Ambre/Andre <3
Last edited:


amb... i am sad
ill miss seeing your KL KL KL every time I join

ilysm and gl with your future stuffs <3
ps im a constructor lol


Senior Administrator
Staff member
Senior Administrator
Minister of State
Mayor of Lexford
Ambre you've been one of my bestest friends on BC for the past year and ur the best mentoree thingy!! There was never a moment without fun !!
I'll never forget the money war smh thats ur 50kr >:(
u better come back to visit or i will find you and have to give u £50 irl instead >:( also like to see the ambre nightclub yuh!!
smh im going to go cry in a hole now innit :(
gonna miss u so much but gl with life okay, take caree and ty for the stuff ig smh


Staff member
Executive Office
Special Advisor
Hey Amber, just an FYI, you missed April 1st... maybe next year

fr tho you were one of the best people on bc and I never want to stop seeing you. Please get in from time to time and say hi (I can set up a schedule... how does everyday sound to ya) I’m going to miss you and the times we talked <3


Microsoft Replay
Staff member
Senior Administrator
Minister of Construction
Minister of Agriculture
Minister of Internal Development
Hope you enjoyed your time at BC and I wish you the best in your life.

Good luck with your future endeavors!


Hey Amber, just an FYI, you missed April 1st... maybe next year

fr tho you were one of the best people on bc and I never want to stop seeing you. Please get in from time to time and say hi (I can set up a schedule... how does everyday sound to ya) I’m going to miss you and the times we talked <3
this made me CHUCKLE