Fuade's election Post (March 2021)


My fellow buisnesscraftians, I come to you on this day to announce my bid for all nine seats on the Legislative Branch. If elected, I vow to abuse my power as much as humanely possible. My first action will be to repeal the Sherlock Accords, and make bribes payable to me mandatory. I will force the DoA to supply every household with a cat, and to flood the streets with bats. Every citizen will be given a monthly stipend of 64 pieces of bedrock, hand mined by staff as retribution for throwing out my extremely reasonable and fair court case against them. But not until I serve life imprisonments to one half of the entire playerbase at random, Thanos-style, to ensure that only lucky people continue to play on our server. And for my final promise, I will formally change the name of the server to Buisinesscraft, because I am mildly dyslexic and have deemed it more correct. This will be enforced by my Minister of Propaganda, Risk, who will fine any user found using the Morally Incorrect spelling 10 Krumas, a fine that will exponentially raise for every repeated offense.

My reign will be a reign of beauty and horror. The dead will rise from their graves, and take to the streets at a slightly higher rate than they do already. The gods themselves will wish to strike me down, and I will fine them for every attempt. And finally, everyone who does not swear fealty to me will be forced to repair the Warp 4 desert, by hand, until completion, a Sisyphean task considering the bounty on their heads and the price I will pay for any materials stolen from them.

My name is Fuade, and a vote for me is a vote absolutely wasted



The Turtle Master
O- ooook gl-

how do you plan on enforcing the fixing of warp four?

and you do know the doa doesn’t cover bats, right? Lmao


Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Deputy Prime Minister
Department of Public Affairs
Deputy Prime Minister
Uh... well good luck Fuade!
if you win I volunteer to help with warp 4 </3