Answered / Added Fixing Property Inspectors


The Airplane Guy
- Username: A1phaSniper
- Suggestion Title: Re-instituting Property Inspectors as a Job that can be easily applied for
- Elaborate (Why do you think it should be added, how will it improve the server, etc.): I am almost certain that the mass majority of you were not around two years ago. Back then, Becoming a Property Inspector was as easy as applying for the Tour Guide position. All you had to do was take the exam at the university, and you're in. Now, it's not like that. Almost every day I hear or see that we are always lacking Property Inspectors. I believe this is because people don't know, or are turned away by the fact that they have to apply. I am suggesting that the Property Inspector position be brought back as a job you can get by taking the exam. I'm not suggesting that it would be thrown back into the university. I'm saying that it should be treated how the Tour Guide is treated. Monitored heavily.
- Additional Information: Please post any feedback you have below.