Closed Expression of Interest | Prime Minister of Stratham


Staff member

The Temporary Government Council is hereby opening an Expression of Interest form for the position of Interim Prime Minister.
There are no requirements, and the EOI will be open until the position is filled.

Please respond to the thread by filling out the following format out:

- Username:
- Discord:
- Age:
- Date joined server:
- Total Playtime (/pt):
- Active Playtime (/bcseen):
- Current and former server ranks:
- Political experience:
- Why do you think you deserve to be chosen for this role?:
- What do you hope to achieve as Prime Minister during the remainder of the term:
- If you were Server Owner for one day, what would you do:


Los Angeles Enjoyer
- Username: PeachLemon_

- Discord: PeachLemon #9559

- Age: 13

- Date joined server: December 28th 2020

- Total Playtime (/pt): 66 days 15 hours

- Active Playtime (/bcseen): 3 days 51 minutes

- Current and former server ranks: Doctor Moderator, Constructor Apprentice Covington Councillor, Lexford Councillor. Previous: Community Coordinator, mostly all the university jobs, Agriculture Secretary, Landscaper, Tour Guide, State Secretary, Social Advisor I'm pretty sure, Police Cadet, Police Officer.

- Political experience: I was an MP for a little bit, I'm more of an economy player.

- Why do you think you deserve to be chosen for this role? : I have experience, and I will give more power to the citizens.

- What do you hope to achieve as Prime Minister during the remainder of the term: I hope to achieve a few polls so we can know what people want. I hope to put those results from the polls into action, and also try and bring back our stale economy.

- If you were Server Owner for one day, what would you do: Two words, golf. courses. (A few more words tho too) Update the server to 1.19, and update the resource world to 1.19 terrain and the y0 to -64 terrain to 1.19 in the "real world".

I would also like to say that I don't think that I'll be able to get all the way to September, but it's your guy's decision whether to vote PeachLemon or not :P Just keep that in mind.
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Department of Internal Development
Department of Internal Development
Username: DoubbleKerius

- Discord: Kerius#9670

- Age: 25

- Date joined server: April 18 2022

- Total Playtime (/pt): 12 days

- Active Playtime (/bcseen): 7 days 2hours

- Current and former server ranks: currently ranger, property inspector, lumberjack, former ranks speaker of parliament and treasurer.

- Political experience: I am active in all political aspects, I know most bills and laws and the constitution.
Speaker put me trough a lot of research, experience and conversations about politics, I have seen a lot of loopholes and how complicated it is on a kid game and I believe this needs addressed

- Why do you think you deserve to be chosen for this role?: I believe I bring the activity for this role as well as the knowledge of how to process everything correctly, I’m prior military so I have natural leader ability’s that can only improve over time
I’ve learned the hard way that everything needs proof read and double checked even triple checked and that leadership takes communication with the correct people

- What do you hope to achieve as Prime Minister during the remainder of the term: realistically speaking I wish to achieve finishing clearing up all the bandaids left over past leadership’s, I wish to implement usage of land and a push the economy more as well as establish correct procedures that are not as complicated as some are, incentives for activity, and promote a healthier and less stressful server aspect
In return I believe this will help increase the sever numbers in general

- If you were Server Owner for one day, what would you do: I would utilize the time wisely, establish a more central push to the economy near spawn, I would also clean up as much of the wild as I can because as experience with ranger majority of the wild area is a big mess with multiple old towns and massive buildings that are grief’d but unable to clean due to locks.


Community Manager
Staff member
Community Manager
Senior Administrator
- Username: Tracefais
- Discord: Tracefais#2611
- Age: so old
- Date joined server: 9/6/2020
- Total Playtime (/pt): 101days
- Active Playtime (/bcseen): 4 days 10hours
- Current and former server ranks: Currently Doctor and Senior Admin, previously DoS minister and Senior Tourguide
- Political experience: previously DoS minister twice (once when it was still DoCR)
- Why do you think you deserve to be chosen for this role?:

I have been playing BC actively for almost two years and have seen many ups and downs of BC. I have been trying to keep mostly neutral in politics as a staff member, but BC needs a fast and efficient change now. I know how BC works from the government side and the staff side and can get things done efficiently with this knowledge and connections. Preferably I would like the TGC to get the government back on track and be ready by the next term.

- What do you hope to achieve as Prime Minister during the remainder of the term:

Number one priority is helping the economy. Get business the main focus of Businesscraft once again. Supplement economy with some artificial demand to give a need for businesses and employees to be hired. Create a way for players to make a limited amount of money through this per day so it does not cause large inflation like past e-trading methods.

Next is simplifying laws and the government. Laws have gotten way out of hand and the current way the are added to the forums make it difficult to keep up. There needs to be a clear section on current laws that even new players can follow easily. Also clearly define what departments are in charge of and how they are set up to stop creating and renaming roles unnecessarily. I also want all government positions to have a clear idea of their roles so staff intervention is kept to a minimum in future government plans.

And finally focus on new player retention. Using the new supplemental economy method, players will be able to sell items based on their job. This will get new players a way to join the economy without needing to wait for a player to hire them or waiting for the proper playtime for a government paid job. This will give a solution for the question: “What do I do now?” which is often asked by new players. Having a way to make money as soon as they join will give them something to do and a way to participate in the economy right away.

- If you were Server Owner for one day, what would you do: ban jeef but also declare donkey park a real park.


Staff member
Minister of Public Affairs
Minister of Internal Development
Department of Agriculture
Department of Internal Development
Department of Public Affairs
Department of Construction
Mayor of Ocean City
Public Affairs Minister
- Username: Mickichu
- Discord: Mickichu#1147
- Age: 23
- Date joined server: 03 Feb 2021
- Total Playtime (/pt): 48dqys 18hours 38minutes
- Active Playtime (/bcseen): 3days 7hours 35minutes
- Current and former server ranks: 9th/11th PM, DPM, former DoA Minister, Minister DoPA, T.Mod, Mayor, Senior Ranger
- Political experience: I have been DPM for two Prime Ministers, I have been Prime Minister also and Minister of the DoA and the DoPA.

- Why do you think you deserve to be chosen for this role?:

I have served in government in ministerial positions or in the two top jobs of this server for the last three administrations. Through my time in my roles, I have constantly and effectively improved areas of the department or the server. My time in government, I have worked tirelessly in making sure the administration’s goals are met and delivered for the people of Stratham. I want to build a server that is welcoming. Unlike most in the political field I didn’t take a side of political affiliations as I never saw my self as a servant to the parties of the server but as a servant to the people. BC needs rapid, adaptive and necessary change and I firmly believe that I am the best choice to bring such change.

- What do you hope to achieve as Prime Minister during the remainder of the term:

I wish to continue on the work I had aimed to achieve for this server. This server has both huge political and economical challenges alone with a shrinking player base. We need to rebuild a political system based on service of the people not of service of oneself. Members of the community should have one sole focus and that’s the improve of the server instead of bring down other and being a barrier to needed reform. We need a reduce parliament and a power and balance check within all aspect of our separation of powers as some institution poses far more power over other branches than they should. We also need a more respectful system in which we do not shun or harass members of the community for self gain or personal vendettas or disliking.

We need to redevelop the capital regions with new executive buildings, along with a new and vitalised judicial building. We need to restructure the spawn area making it more welcoming and easier to access and with more clear guidance for new players to find out more about the server. I want to continue the work of the Hunterchu administration on the new sky rise business district within Queen Street. Along with this, we need to keep on track and focus with implementing the new farming district and implementing programs to boost this aspect of the servers economy. A food supply is now in demand and grants to farmer and contracts for the NFS will help improve our agriculture industry. We also need to look and renewing budding around the capital such as the hospital and university and decreasing space such as the airport and working the cities function and elevation to a much more proportionate and sophisticated workout.

We also need stability within our government departments making sure that correct progress is done and that regulation and guidelines for conduct and how to work efficiently are fully implemented and that employees are working and making sure that the server keeps moving.

We should keep focus on the economy keeping to the plan that’s working by investing in the people of this server helping with the employees stripped program and grants to business and looking into new proposals of economic expenditure. For the economy to be renewed and revived, we need to invest in our player base allowing for more opportunities not just to our long standing players but also to new members of the community who want to dive right in and start making a difference. With this, economic competitiveness will raise and business will challenge each other and strive to be the best generating new and more income and profits helping with the circulation of money.

We need a new social media campaign that will generate new player base as we are moving into a declining player base which can also lead to talent drain and reduce the work across government and the private sector. We need to look to new areas of media with the sole target of showing why we are the best and utilising key social media such as instagram Tik Tok and YouTube.

- If you were Server Owner for one day, what would you do:

I would cut the crap in the blockage to making the needed change that is rapidly needed in order for this servers survival. Too often “historical status” stop needed change many building properties are unused and outdated and are a hindrance to the change of BC, we can’t be a modern vibrant server if we constant allow the anchors of the past to keep us for taking the correct action. I would also probably talk to certain people more and get a clear understanding. I also would not allow for personal vendettas against female members of the community, that are harassment, cause those members to feel un-welcomed, unappreciated and have a fear of logging on to the server due to the amount of abuse received. I would protect those members to ensure and fair and safe community.