Closed Expression of Interest | Department of State Minister

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Department of Internal Development
Mayor of Covington
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Expression of Interest | Department of State Minister

Following the resignation of the current Department of State Minister Intercepticon, we are seeking a qualified, active individual to nominate for the position of Minister of the Department of State (DoS). In order to express an interest in this position you must:
  • Have a /bcseen of at least 1 day
  • Have a /jd of at least 2 months ago
  • Be without any current political affiliation
  • Have prior experience in any one of the following within the last year
    - The Department of State as an Employee
    - City or Town Operations (Mayor or Councillor)
    - Political Party Leadership (Not Current)
    - Government (MP, Judge or Minister)
Reply to the following thread, filling out this format, to express your interest in this role:

Discord contact:
Are you currently affiliated to any political party?:
Why do you want this role of DoS minister?:
Past experience:
Additional notes:

Candidates we feel may be suited will be contacted on discord to further assess their suitability for the role prior to nomination. For questions, please message me on forums or discord (cherub#9345).


Executive Office
Department of Justice
Special Advisor
Discord contact:Ted Hastings AC-12#5863
Are you currently affiliated to any political party?:SCP - But if chosen, I will separate from the party, leaving it to someone else, as I believe it to be that the DoS Minister is not allowed to be affiliated
Why do you want this role of DoS minister?:I firmly believe that as DoS Minister I can help the state take care of its daily affairs and grow as well. I would like to further increase the support given to other towns, not just the glorious state of Stratham, as well as increasing the town Audits amongst other things.
Past experience: I have played a particular interest in the ongoings of the DoS for some time, watching in the background and observing things that happen.
Additional notes:
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P. Hunter

Username: poemhunter
/bcseen: 7days 15 hrs 47minutes
/playtime: 19days 17hours 20minutes
Discord contact: P. Hunter
Are you currently affiliated to any political party?: No
Why do you want this role of DoS minister?:

- I have always liked a challenge and keeping me busy and when saw the application of an expression of interest I though this could be a new challenge for me. I currently have been working on judicial reforms most recently the court announcement section and and I hope to publish soon the new documents for the courts forums with a new procedure guide. I found this a key aim for my time on the bench and will help Chief Justice with any reforms needed if selected as a former justice.

- The DOS has a core principle like the Judicial branch and that's to be unbiased in all its dealings, the Minister is meant to be above party politics and hold no opinions towards such matters, the DOS is in charge of monitoring election process which I am very familiar with in recent times, foreign relations something I have some experiences during my time as master of ceremony of the Olympic Games and also handling political party applications and news and media applications something I have been both involved in and run.

- One thing I look forward to is improving towns and local systems of government and working with the mayors in improving town - government relations and building upon a good structured society. Towns are an incredibly important aspect to our society, they give us a sense of character and we have seen great towns develop and I would like to see continued progress in this area, I think it would be a great idea to see if mayors of towns would like to hold mouth meetings called the TS4 Towns Summit 4[number set to change depending on about of registered towns]

I think I could bring a certain style of leadership to the department and it would be the honour if selected to be the Minister of the State Department.

Past experience: I have been a Mp/DSOP current Deputy Minister of the DOH and I am a current Associate Justice of the Republic of Stratham Court.
Additional notes: Thank you for your time and consideration. (edited)
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Username: Unitymaster
/bcseen: 7 Days
/playtime: 26 days 7 hours
Discord contact: Unity#1136
Are you currently affiliated to any political party?: Yes
Why do you want this role of DoS minister?: I have always found this as a very interesting and enticing department. It needs massive reforms after the blunder that our past elections were. I will outwork anyone in this position. I have had great ideas for town reforms and have pushed for the most transparency and accountability these past few months. I wrote and passed the Transparency acts and amended the constitution to give DoS the power of inter-departmental audits. I understand the law and constitution thoroughly and have great experience to back it up. This is my favorite department by far and I would love the opportunity to serve in the Cherub administration.
Past experience: 2 terms as mp where I passed more bills than rest of parliament combined, I have been speaker during 2 different terms helping keep Parliament organized during constant turnover and helped educate inexperienced legislators, I have been deputy minister of DoE for 2 terms being the hardest worker within the Dept, helping minister matty with anything and everything he needs. I have been the most active member of government since November 2021.
Additional notes: I will work tirelessly at the pleasure of Prime Minister Cherub. I hope you will consider me for this position. (I will leave my party for this position obviously).
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