Denied Event Planner Application

- In-game name: ElectricPanda14
- Age:18
- Date joined server: august 15 2021
- Current playtime: 1D 22H
- Role you're applying for: Event Planner
- Why do you want to be a event planner? i like this game a lot and I'm always getting friend into it as well. however i feel that the game can lack some life here and there. od love to be a part in becoming an event planner to have the server appeal to new players as well as keeping long term players
- What can you bring to the Department. i am very active on this server and i have a great vision for cool unique events
- Additional Information:n/a


Department of Agriculture
Department of Agriculture
Department of State
Department of Public Affairs


Sorry, your application for Event Planner has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


I would like to see more activity on the server as well as being more communicative/social with others
