Accepted Eva's Application for Trainee Officer


Staff member
Department of Justice
Department of Health
Department of Public Affairs
- In-game name: Eva_12345

- Timezone: GMT +1

- Age: I prefer not to say

- Date joined server: December 28th 2022

- Current playtime: 2w 3d 15hrs

- Why do you want to be a Trainee Officer: There are several reasons why I am particularly drawn to this role. Firstly, I have always had interest for promoting fairness and ensuring the well-being of others, even in virtual communities. As a Trainee Officer, I see an opportunity to utilize my skills and enthusiasm to enforce rules, prevent misconduct, and resolve conflicts, all of which are essential for fostering a positive gaming experience.

Furthermore, I believe that being a Trainee Officer in BC presents a unique chance for personal and professional growth. By actively engaging with the Minecraft community, I can enhance my communication and problem-solving skills, learn to adapt to different situations, and develop leadership qualities. The role's emphasis on teamwork and collaboration also appeals to me, as I thrive in environments where I can contribute to a shared goal alongside dedicated individuals.

I am commited to give my time and effort to the safety of BusinessCraft

- What can you bring to the Department: I can bring experience, dedication and new ideas

- Additional Information: Thanks for taking the time to read my application!
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Department of Justice
Department of Justice


Congratulations, Eva_12345! Your application for Trainee Officer has been accepted.
