Hiring Elechron Corporation


Elechron Corporation

Who Are We?
Elechron Corporation is a private and corporate organization that strives to help the company economically while also not starving ourselves. We advanced all the way from a bookstore in early 2017, to an insurance agency in late 2017 , all the way to a successful bank and demolition firm (right now). Due to recent issues, we have though temporarily shutdown loaning (4% interest and under for loans), we are primarily focused on demolition.

How Are We Ran?
Elechron Corporation is run by two separate systems, a board and an administration. The board is a place where every one of our workers has a voice in how we function. Unless a person jokes around the whole time in which the Chairman (Bharatj) will remove them. The board runs everything but specifically runs the creation/deletion of branches. Our administration is ran by the executives (see below) and keeps the operations running. Here is a list of our employees.

Chief Executive Officer
: Chief Administrative Officer
Olefante: Chief Technology Officer
: Chief Publicity Officer
: Chief Construction Officer
Bharatj: Chairman

What Are Our Services?
Our services include Demolition, Loaning, and Poverty Aid. Though we plan on expanding to Graphic Design and eventually, maybe, just maybe Exterior and Interior Design. Apartments and Offices are currently in slow and small production.


Four Ways To Discount Any Of Our Services Up To 90% Off!
If Elechron isn't known for cheap prices and tons of ways to easily discount what people buy, I don't know what is. We offer coupons, credit, sales, and Premieres!

First. let us explain what our "coupons" are. Every month, I randomly give two businesses random discounting coupons to give to one of their lucky customers. These coupons range from free 75 credit, all the way to a 25% discount. Though these are rare, they still are a form of discounts!

Yes, you heard me right, Credit. We have transformed this horrid in real life nightmare to the sweetest dreams of BusinessCraft. Credit is obtained from paying back loans in time. It is though 3x the speed from not paying loans. Credit starts at 400 and can be added in increments of 50 from paying back loans in time. You can reach to infinite amount of credit (GlorifiedContent once reached 1050 credit) though the benefits stop at 800. Reach 600 credit and only 2% interest for loans. Reach 800 and only 1% interest for loans. This unfortunately only applies to loans though and won't effect other services.


As a very common form of discounting, we offer sales almost monthly! These sales range from 10% off (such as our last Christmas sale) all the way to 50% off (such as our Current Valentines Sale)!​

VIP & Premiere?
The first time you buy a service/loan from Elechron, you will get VIP. VIP has tons of benefits (see them on our discord) but the best benefit is 10% off on everything! Moreover, if you are the biggest buyer, you get Premiere. Premiere has so many benefits - it'd take a mini-paragraph to type them out so I am just gonna mention that you have 15% off on everything.

Check out everything we have to offer along with some even more in depth information on us in Elechron's Discord! https://discord.gg/apeWZsu

Need Help?
Just message DerpGaming20#8768 on discord! If you have a complaint, go onto our discord and type in #Complaints-and-support!​