Denied Dr_Idriss Application for HS


In-game name: Dr_Idriss
- Age: 15
- Date joined server: 6 months ago
- Current playtime: 7 Days 3 Hours
- How long have you been a Doctor: 2 or 3 months
- Why do you want to be a Hospital Secretary: As being an active member of the DoH I would like to obtain higher responsibility as I am Hard working, dedicated and take pride in my work. I would love to help the DoH in any way I can, and I feel like I am fit for the job because I already monitor other doctors and make sure all hospitals are functioning as they should be, and any new members of the DoH I make sure I train them before they begin their journey. Also I would love to assist the Minster of Health with anything DoH related.
- What can you bring to the Department: A couple of thing I can bring to the DoH is to make sure Doctors are fully trained and are aware of their duty and responsibilities it comes with. The next thing is to make sure doctors are not abusing their powers, such as warping to other hospitals when not allowed to or administering more than one cure etc. Another thing I can bring is to make sure the hospital is functioning. I also have tons of ideas to improve the DoH for an example , I brought notice for vaccines.
- Additional Information: I also speak Spanish which could help with any language barriers. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day for reading my application! If you have any questions please let me know! Also I know I have been absent recently, but I will be more active as I now have more free time.




Sorry, your application for Hospital Secretary has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


The department has decided that you're not suited for this role. While you're previous applications have received positive feedback, it has come to our attention that you haven't improved since those previous applications. 1. We've noticed that all of your applications are practically copy and pasted with barely any changes. 2. In this application, you've repeated the same response in both questions with little differences. 3. Most of the points you've made about what you could do as a Hospital Secretary are things that you can already do as a Doctor. You've even stated some things that you could bring into the department that you've already been able to do/have been doing as a Doctor. All in all, you have potential, but it seems as if you're not putting any effort into your applications for the reasons that I've already stated (the biggest concern being that your application compared to all your previous applications are practically copy and pasted). I highly recommend that, if you were to apply again, you should improve your application by elaborating more in each question, make sure that you don't repeat yourself as often, and try to make your application stand out from others. If you have any concerns, comments, or complaints, feel free to contact me via In-Game or Discord.
