Accepted Dopper - Secretary of Business


- Username: Dopper
- Age: 14
- Join Date: Summer of 2018, can't get the exact date because of /jd wipe's/inaccuracy
- Current Playtime: 250+ hours
- When are you most active? Pretty much anytime.
- Position you're applying for: Secretary of Business (that was the only vacant position)
- Have you read the Job description of the Job you are applying for? Yes, I have read the job description, and I understand what it entails, as well as what is needed to work in the capacity of a Secretary of Business and DoE member.
- Why do you think you are suited to the position you are applying for?
I believe I am suited for this position, as I understand how the economy of the server works, and have been playing for a long time. I can play a good bit, and I am rather active. I understand what need's to be changed to have a more stable economy, and I understand the current problems with our economy. I also have worked in other government departments (DoH, albeit for a short period), and understand how our government on BusinessCraft works.
- Why do you want to work in the position you are applying for?
I think that joining the DoE would be interesting, as I would like to see what goes on in the government and how everything runs behind the scenes. Also, I'd like to make some good lasting impacts on the economy of BusinessCraft.
- Additional Information: I'd really like this position!


Personally I believe the economy currently is stable. The stability comes with stagnation which is bad for the economy. That being said I would like to know how you plan to help the economy since you stated you understand what needs to be done to help it.


That being said I would like to know how you plan to help the economy since you stated you understand what needs to be done to help it.

Alrighty, So I'll list off the top 3 issue's I see in our economy.

- The government has now way to easily, artificially, and effectively inject or remove large amounts of cash into the hands of players and banks. Hence the Kruna it is prone to massive fluctuations in its value.

- The structure of most companies, which is the one that our current economy encourages, make's it so less people can have jobs.

- There is a massive gap between wages in non-corporate jobs, for example, a hunter can make over double that of a farmer with less work in the same time, which seem's rather unbalanced.

How these can be fixed:

- Create a system were the government distributes money to banks and corporations

- Encourage the need for more employee's by giving bonus's to companies and other benefits.

- Change the amount that certain job's can make.

Math for job outputs:
- Assuming they only hunt at night
- Night = 10 minutes/20 minute period
- 3 nights/hour
- avg. 800/night in animal bounty, selling drops = 200/night
- total avg/night = 100 kru
- 1000* 3 = 3000 kru
- 3000kru/hour

Assuming (baked) potatoes are being sold as they are what is bought the most
I'm not including land prices btw
However, the price for a farm land in the wild , assuming a stacked-chunk style is 1792 kru which is a rather large sum.

- Assuming the use of a fortune 3 pickaxe for 3 times the produce
- A 16*16 area can be farmed in ~1 minute
- This will get you 12 stacks of potatoes
- 1/3 of these will go into replanting (1 minute)
- Net 8stacks at a price/stack of 6kru is 46kru/2 minutes
- Repeated for 1 hour (which is very tedious) and assuming no breaks
- Net 240 stacks
- Sell price for 240 stacks = 1440





Congratulations, Dopper! Your application for Business Sec. has been accepted.
