Bill: Accepted DoH Reinstatement Amendment


Prime Minister
Prime Minister
Minister of Justice
Department of Internal Development
Department of State
Department of Justice
Prime Minister
DoH Reinstatement Amendment


Reinstate the Department of Health

The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is the DoH Reinstatement Amendment.

Section 2. Commencement

(1) All provisions shall come into effect upon signage.

(2) The Stratham Health Authority and Medical Regulatory Act MKII Act is hereby rescinded.

Section 3. Reasoning

(1) The Department of Health is widely loved and should return.

(2) The healthcare sector functions better when it is under the direct authority of the Prime Minister. As well as having a Minister who is appointed.

Section 4. Article One Amendments

(1) Replace Section 1.3 of the Constitution with the following:

1.3(a) The Cabinet of the Republic of Stratham consists of the Deputy Prime Minister, Ministers of the Executive Departments, and Attorney General when deemed necessary. Ministers head their respective Departments and answer to the Prime Minister. Ministers are nominated by the Prime Minister and derive their power from the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister may dismiss any Member of the Cabinet except the Deputy Prime Minister. When the Cabinet must hold a vote, should the Deputy Prime Minister hold a ministerial position, they shall receive a single vote in matters.
1.3(b) Ministers have the authority to create, amend, and repeal Departmental policy. Ministers shall appoint and remove members of their Departments at their discretion. Ministers can create, amend, and remove jobs within their departments that are relevant to their portfolio. Ministers shall make no policy which is in contradiction to their powers as defined in the Constitution.
1.3(c) The Departments of the Republic of Stratham and their responsibilities are as follows;
1.3(d) Department of State (DoS);
  1. Management of Foreign Affairs.
  2. Conduction of Elections.
  3. Auditing Government Departments, Towns, and Cities, as well as any other government agency.
  4. Managing City and Town Relations.
  5. Managing Political Party and News Company Registrations.
  6. Conduction of Surveys and Polls to collect player feedback to assist with the State of the Government report.
  7. Conducting Election Debates.
1.3(e) Department of Economy (DoE);
  1. Overall performance of the Economy.
  2. Government Shops.
  3. Maintenance of Jobs and Exam Guides.
  4. Business Grants.
  5. Fiscal and Monetary Policies.
  6. Tax Policies.
1.3(f) Department of Justice (DoJ);
  1. Maintaining Peace and Order.
  2. Enforcement of Criminal Laws.
  3. Providing a Security Detail to the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.
  4. May provide a Security Detail to other Senior Government Officials if directed to do so by the Prime Minister.
1.3(g) Department of Public Affairs (DoPA);
  1. Hosting Events.
  2. Assisting with Server Social Media.
  3. Management of new player tours.
1.3(h) Department of Internal Development (DoID);
  1. Construction of Government Buildings, roads, and highways.
  2. Maintain the overall welfare of the wilderness.
  3. Managing the animal shelter and national food service.
  4. Managing animal cruelty reports.
1.3(i) Department of Health (DoH);
  1. Maintenance of the Government Hospital.
  2. Regulating the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry.
  3. Regulating medical professions.
1.3(j) Authority of Departments stems from the executive power of the Prime Minister. The authority of departments is included in the section above but is not limited to what is specifically written. Parliament may exercise authority through legislation to delegate or retract additional authorities to departments.
1.3(k) All Ministers are subject to the direct authority and control of the Prime Minister.

Section 5. Article 7 Amendments

(1) Add "8. Minister of Health" into Clause 7.2(a) of the Constitution.

Authored by Ryan on behalf of the people.


Speaker of Parliament
Speaker of the Parliament
Member of Parliament
Department of Internal Development
Speaker of Parliament
Vote aye done parliament Member BHARATJ through parliament chat due to technical issues.


Speaker of Parliament
Speaker of the Parliament
Member of Parliament
Department of Internal Development
Speaker of Parliament


Prime Minister
Prime Minister
Minister of Justice
Department of Internal Development
Department of State
Department of Justice
Prime Minister
This bill has received Prime Ministerial assent and is hereby signed into law.