Denied Danielle123's application for Hospital Secretary


- In-game name: Danielle123
- Age: 16
- Date joined server: 1 year ago
- Current playtime: 2 days
- How long have you been a Doctor: about 2 months
- Why do you want to be a Hospital Secretary
: I want to be a hospital secretary because I love to help others. I know my way around the hospital and could be very helpful with the new doctors. I am kind and caring and I am looking for a way to better help the doh.
- What can you bring to the Department: I can bring skills of kindness and patience with the new doctors. I know my way around very well I am looking to bring new doctors to their full potential. I am very active on the discord and fourms. I am able to respond to @doctor notifications on the discord when other doctors are not on.
- Additional Information: Thank you for taking your time to read my application! And I am looking forward to hearing the response either good or bad and willing to try again with my application if the requirements are not met.


Microsoft Replay
Staff member
Minister of Health
Department of Internal Development
Department of Health
Health Minister
Good luck!




Sorry, your application for Hospital Secretary has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


First of all, I'd like to see a lot more activity in the server in general. I don't believe you have the experience to be in this role with the current playtime that you have compared to your join date. Secondly, I'd like for you to become more involved in the DoH. You rarely talk in the DoH chat and I haven't seen much interaction between you and your coworkers. Lastly, if you decide to apply again, I'd like to see more elaboration in your application on the two main questions. If you have any comments, complaints, or concerns, feel free to contact me via in-game or Discord.
