Denied Creepsteve05's Ranger Application


Member Of Parliament
- In-game name: Creepsteve05
- Age: 16 (ignore forum date please)
- Date joined server: May 6th
- Current playtime: 12d, 15h
- Why you want this job: The job of ranger perfectly reflects my passion for the environment in real life. I live in one of the USA's national forests, so I'm at heart an environmentalist. I have volunteered multiple times for the US forest service, and along the way I learned forest management fundamentals that I believe would benefit by ability to perform duties as a Ranger. I also have strong passion for wildlife and animals of all variety. I have read all legislature and laws I would be required to know. I've read all duties and tasks necessary for this job, and I believe I could perform them sufficiently. I absolutely love the job of a ranger, and it's my IRL dream job. I hope I will be considered for this position!
- Additional Information:
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Mayor of Covington


Sorry, your application for Ranger has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


Applicant has been permanently banned from BusinessCraft.
