Rescinded Constitutional Amendment on Clarification Requirements for Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.

P. Hunter

Chief Justice
Chief Justice
Department of Internal Development
Department of Construction
Chief Justice
Constitutional Amendment on Clarification Requirements for Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.


The Parliament of Stratham enacts:

Section 1. Short Title

(1) This Act is the CACR Act.

Section 2. Commencement

(1) All provisions shall come into effect upon passage of this bill.

Section 3. Reasoning

(1) Some mis using of wording within the constitutional could allow for misunderstanding and potential breaches of law and correcting these wording errors will make clearer the requirement process for standing as a candidate.

Section 4. Current Wording

1- Prime Minister:

(V) The requirements for serving as Prime Minister are as follows:
(A) Having at least 2 days of playtime in the 30 days preceding the start of the election cycle and a total of more than 7 days of playtime.
(B) Maintaining at least two days of active playtime (as seen in /bcseen) during their tenure as Prime Minister.

2- Deputy Prime Minister:

(VI) The requirements for the Deputy Prime Minister are as follows:
(A) Having at least one day of playtime in the 30 days preceding the start of the election cycle.
(B) Maintaining at least one day of active playtime (as seen in /bcseen) during their tenure as Deputy Prime Minister

Section 5. Re wording

1- Prime Minister:

A- Having a minimum of 2 days of playtime in the 30 days preceding the start of the election cycle [ as seen in /bcseen ]
B- Holding a total of at least 7 days of playtime
C- Maintaining a minimum of 1 days active playtime during their tenure [ as seen /bcseen ] and also holding activity across discord and forums.

2- Deputy Prime Minister:

A- Having a minimum of 1 day of playtime in the 30 days preceding the start of the election cycle [ as seen in /bcseen ]
B- Holding a total at least 3 days of playtime
C- Maintaining a minimum of 1 days active playtime during their tenure [ as seen /bcseen ] and also holding activity across discord and forums.

Protectionary clause: Section C of 1- Prime Minister and 2- Deputy Prime Minister, can subvert the maintaining of active playtime if the Player holding the position can show sufficient work and usage of the specified platforms in the same section, [ discord and forums ] not withstanding if the work can be deem to be not of value of the duties of the position the Player holds this clause will not suffice in its ability to protect the player holding such position.

Authored by Poemhunter on behalf of The citizen of the Republic of Stratham


Former PM
This bill is hereby granted Prime Ministerial Assent and signed into law.
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