Denied ChocolateJim's Community Coordinator Application


- In-game name: ChocolateJim
- Age: 15
- Date joined server: 1 year ago
- Current playtime: 8 days and 12 hours
- Role you're applying for: Community Coordinator
- Why do you want to be a Community Coordinator:
I would like to assist the Minister of Public Affairs in tasks regarding the DPA (Department Of Public Affairs), better the department, and make sure all players working under the department are having a phenomenal experience. When I first joined the server I use to always want to assure those new players that joined the server had the best experience possible, and it would draw them into being a regular player of the server. As a former member of this department, I am aware of all the tasks and duties that come with this position, and I accept full responsibility. I love to create polls and surveys for players to fill out and see that data and results and discuss the results with the department to decide how to improve the department, and what events we should come up with or do.
- What can you bring to the Department: In this department, I can bring maturity, experience, and assistance. I take pride in my work and I am a very active member on the server as well. Also not to sound narcissistic, but I am a very creative person and have come up with many fantastic ideas in other servers that are irrelevant at this point.
- Additional Information: Thanks so much for reviewing my application, if you have any questions regarding my application please feel free to contact me via discord or in-game!


Your Friendly Neighborhood Trash Panda
Deputy Prime Minister
Department of Public Affairs
Deputy Prime Minister
Gl Mr. Jim!




Sorry, your application for Community Coordinator has been denied. You're welcome to reapply for this position in 30 days.


Thank you for applying! I'd like to see you more active on the server, including the discord and forums. You may reapply in 30 days!
