Offering Services CHC Interior - Interior Design Supplies & Decorative Heads


Supreme Justice
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Location: Riverside Mall (GovMall) 3rd Floor, Plot 25. There is a big CHC Interior sign, you cannot miss it.

We sell an array of different interior design supplies that I personally use the most. Some fences, some signs, some item frames etc...

Please notify us in this thread which items you would like to see being sold at CHC Interior as supplies, we highly appriciate and need feedback.

We also sell decorative heads, at the following prices:

Stack of Shirts: 20kr
Toilet Paper: 4kr
Fruit Basket: 4kr
Mailbox: 22.5kr
Computer: 27.5kr

All of these prices are based on material cost as well as the profit margain for both us and our suppliers.

Please rate us below, we will listen and attempt to fix complaints.

Colonel Holdings Corporation™