Changes to the Admin Team


Staff member
Hi everyone.
I am proud to announce the following changes that have been made within the admin team:

katt_tail: Administrator -> Senior Administrator
Katt has joined the server nearly a year ago in September of 2017. Ever since that point she has been nothing but kind, helpful and dedicated. She was promoted to Moderator on January 3rd 2018 and then shortly after was promoted to Administrator in April. She has given great counsel to staff members, myself included, and it is my hope she will continue to do that. Katt has also been the first President of the Parliament (aka Madam President) and also served as Acting Prime Minister during my one week absence, and has done an incredible job in both of those positions.

sparkleA: Administrator -> Senior Administrator
Sparkle has been on the server for over a year. She’s one of those people that sits in the back and observes closely and is very calm, but should you do something wrong, your chances of getting away from Sparkle are very slim if not non-existent. This girl is also one of those people you never know how old they really are due to the amount of experience and maturity displayed. She became a Moderator on September 13th, 2017 and then an Administrator on December 3rd.

Both of these ladies were and continue to be instrumental in the development of the server and I look very much forward to working with them even more now because of their new set of permissions. They will be able to help you now with anything an Owner can, as the set of permissions is the same as those of Owners. This is also the highest rank one can obtain.

MariChally: Retired Administrator -> Administrator
Mari has been a member of the server for a very long time and is the first individual with an accepted Admin application on the forums. She has joined in the beginning of 2017 and from that point has served as a Moderator and later an Administrator, as well as the Minister of Health and now the Minister of Employment. She resigned due to being too busy in school but came back a few months ago. After having a lengthy discussion, we have agreed that she now has everything under control and is able to come back to the server staff team assuming her previous position.

Luxaholic: Moderator -> Administrator
Lux is one of the first people that has joined the server back when it was still in beta in August of 2016, more than two years ago. From that point, he has been the principal builder. If someone should be thanked for the design of the capital city as well as the highway, it’s him. He has been a Moderator twice; first promoted on September 2nd, 2016, and then again on April 19th, 2018, reapplying for the position after his subsequent resignation.

With the reinstatement of a Former Administrator and a promotion of a new one, we have doubled the membership of the Administrative Team. I am looking forward to working with these two individuals and improving the server even more.

I want to congratulate all of these individuals above who have made the server a better place for everyone. Additionally, I want to praise all of our current staff members for the incredible work they do.


Good luck Senior Administrators and Administrators with your new positions! With the major changes to the staff and new MP's later this month, BC has really hit a stroke of good luck!!