CatchEmAll1’s Election Post (June 2018)


  • Your username: CatchEmAll1
  • Your age: 13
  • Your activity on the server: Since it is Summer I am on as much as possible usually in the early morning or afternoon although I will be gone June 17th to the 30th
  • When you joined: I joined the server August 17th 2017 which was 10 months ago.
  • Why do you think you are suited to be a Member of Parliament: I have been an MP for almost four months now and believe that I have proven that I have the ability to create and purpose motions well and how to contribute to discussions on possible motions.
  • What kind of laws would you vote for/against: Like what I have said in the past I will vote for motions that could increase realism or motions restated to improvement of Departments. I would vote against laws that would make criminal activity easier and lass noticeable.
  • Additional information you believe people should know: I love this server very much and am very dedicated to it. I put lots of time into it and would like very much to help make it a better place for all players. Thank You for taking time to read my post.


Staff member
Member of Parliament
Department of Justice
Department of Construction
Good luck! :D